#10 || First Kisses // Part 1

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"We'll see," I say smirking.


After a while, Lily and Hannah came downstairs.

"Hey guys, is there any snacks? Me and Hannah we're planning on having a Disney marathon," Lily asked.

"Nah, can we join you tho?" Calum asked.

"No, it's girls only," Hannah said, while poking her tongue out.

"Please?" I pouted.

"Okay," Lily huffed.

Me and Calum laughed.

"Well who's going to get snacks?" Lily asked.

"I'll go, Lily can come with me," Calum said.

"Okay then, we'll be back in about twenty," Lily said.

"Okay then," I said.


*Calum's POV*

As we closed the door behind us, Lily said that she doesn't know what shop what be open at nine.

I laughed, "Lily it's only 9:00pm not the middle of the night," I said while she held my hand because she was scared. It felt right for her to hold my hand, it felt like it was made just for me, as cheesy as that sounds.

And I know what you may be thinking? You like her don't you just like all the other cliche stories, the best friends that like each other - and yes I know she likes me, I heard talking about it.

But that's the thing, I don't KNOW if I like her, I need one sign to prove it to me today.

"We've not hung out in a long time," she says, "Just me and you."

"Yeah I know, I kinda miss those days," I reply.

"Well let's play 20 questions then," she smiles.

"Okay, have you had a boyfriend yet?" I ask.

"No, but I do like somebody," she says while blushing cutely.

"Have you had a girlfriend?" she asks.

"Yeah...Venassa," I say jokingly.

Her face goes pale until I start laughing and telling her it was just a joke.

"Dickhead," she mumbles underneath her breath.

"Thanks," I smirk.

"Well let's go in the shop and get some stuff to eat!" she says, squealing.


On the way back home, we have live 5 plastic bags full of all sorts of snacks.

"Oh my goodness! Look at that!" she says while pointing to the stars.

"Can we watch the stars for a bit?" she asks.

"Yeah sure," I say.

"Yay!" she squeals, me laughing at her childish ways.

As we lay down on the soft grass, I decide to continue playing 20 questions.

"So continuing 20 questions, who do you have a crush on?" I say while wiggling my eyebrows.

"Now that Mr. Hood is a piece of top secret information you will never find out," she says.

"Do you have a crush on anybody?" she asks.

"Not really," I say. I notice her face drop and she starts looking upset.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" I ask.

"No," she whispers.

"Neither have I," she looks at me, staring into my eyes and I do the same to her.

We sit up so that we are no longer laying down on the grass. We turn to face each other.

"Why do you seem so upset?" I ask.

"Oh it's noth-"

"Bullshit," I say, cutting her off.

"Well basically, I like this person and I know they don't like me back but I just can't get over-"

I slam my lips to hers. At first she doesn't kiss back but then she relaxes and our lips move in sync. After a while, we break apart for air.

Straight away, she directs herself to look away from me.



"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah," she smiles widely.

"We should get going now, Luke and Hannah are probably starving!"

Then we walk back home, hand in hand.

the hemmings twins • 5sosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ