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Know I'm sterring at this same guy I thought I would never see again. To say I was shocked was an understatement he was right here in front of me.

"I'm starting to think you have a thing for hitting me or is just fate"he said looking at me with a smirk on his pretty face.

" it was an accident, I wasn't concentrating on where I was going."

"Same excuse. You should focus on where going More offen Alexis". He said the smirk never leaving his face.

"Yeah I kinda figured that already. So      you going to Dallas or..."

"Yes I'm going to Dallas, but this is my home town. I'm just going to Dallas for a few days."he explained just as we were going on board.

" ohh. well I'm from Dallas, but I was here for a few days with my family" I said to Khalid as he helped me into the plane.

"Um would you like to we me fo...for the ride?"he asked nervously like he was afraid I would say no.

" Of course I would love to, but let sit somewhere far away from my family please. They tend to get...annoying sometimes."we turned to look at my mom, brother and sister grinning, hugh so embarrassing.

We made our way foward so that we were far away. Much better. "Um would you like to sit inside, I don't like sitting close to the window of a plane during the ride." I lied. The only reason is because I didn't want him to him to exchanged sit with someone when he realize I'm boring.  So I decided to cage him so he won't be able to leave. Creepy. I know right.

After the plane had field up there was the usual announcement, the hours the flight will take, sit belt, and blah blah blah. Before I put my phone on airplane mode my phone beebed meaning I have a message, I hope is from sarah. I opened the messages which was actually from Nina, Ray, mom.

Make sure u get his number and a date and don't flirt coz ur terrible I can see u trying already.


I'm not speaking from experience but every guy has condom In there wallet and every plane has a bathroom so.........u know what I mean.

I'm gonna murder him one day.

Good luck with your new friend he seems nice.

She doesn't even know him. I ignored there text and put my phone away waiting for the plane to take off. Hahahaha takeoff, you get right?. Now how do I strike a conversation with this cute guy next to me.

"So...Alexis any suggestions for us to do for the next three to four hours."

"Um not really, what about you"

"Okayy how about we play twenty questions" he suggested. Twenty questions not bad.

"Okay sure why not "

And know I'm going to find out twenty thing from a guy I just meet.

Sorry for the short chapter and long wait.

Picture on the side is Khalid played by I can't remember who.

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