i have to go

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"Alexis we're you!"I heard my mom yell from outside.

"Mom I'm coming just packing my things be there in a minute" I said shoving my clothes into the box.

We're leaving after spending spring break at my grandparents place and now we have to go back home. As for for my l love it here and I don't want to go back.

Grabbing my box I shoved it in the truck of the car ."So who's ready to go home"my mom asked, I ramained silent

"Meee I'm more ready to go home, I love grandma but my cheeks have suffered enough pulling" I rolled my eyes at my annoying brother while he faked a cry while rubbing his cheeks.

"Where's Nina?" He asked

"Probably fixing her make-up duhh"

"And you're not"

"I don't need make up"

"Yeah cos you need a plastic surgery". What did he just say.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY". I yelled already grabbing his hair and tugging him down.

"Awww that hurts mom Alexis is hurting me and I did noting to her". nothing you said I needed a fucking plastic surgery.

"Alexis Shawn leave your brother alone"my mom ordered.

"What you're taking his side" I turned to look at my brother who was smirking, idiot

"I'm not side am telling you not to give in to your brother's childishness or stupidity" she explained I stuck out my tongue at my already frowning brother.

"I'm ready to go home" a gleeful cheer erupted from my sister who's standing at the door.

"Finally" Ray and I said.

"We're going to miss you people"

"No grandma your going to see us this Christmas. I miss you too"

"The car is ready so let's go or we'll miss our flight".my mom said so after we said out goodbyes and hugged them we made our way into the car. My mom sat in passenger side while Nina, Ray and I sat at the back.

The car started moving then as usual "I forgot my phone where I was charging it".i'm always forgetting something.The car came to a stop, there 'hugh' and sighing while I came down and sprinted to the door. I barged and I was greeted with my grandparents surprised faces "um I forget my phone upstairs".they just sighed and shook thear heads. Grabing my phone rushed out of the house to were the car was parked not bordering to look at were I was going, until I bumped into something or someone. The Sound of items clashing with the ground erupted.
"What the fuck" a male voice boomed, when I looked up, I sighted a pair of beautiful brown eyes and a handsome looking face.

"Umm I'm s..so..sorry didn't s...see y..you" I stuttered like a fool.

"It's no problem" he said reaching down to grab is things I should help but the sound of my name being called by my mom stopped me.

"I'm sorry I have to go please don't mind I really wanna help you"I stood up and turned ready to go but I stop realizing it was my fault his things are scattered on the ground. "Ic should probably help you with that, shouldn't I" I reached down to help him only for me to knock down the already packed items from is hand. I'm really a bad luck."I'm so so sorry here let me he-" my mom called me again but I ignored her so as to help the cute stranger pick up is things. Reaching for the last item which was a book I handed it handed it to him, he reached for it is hand brushed mine and I felt a spark. "Um I'm sorry again for running into you I was in a rush".

" Its OK, things happen alot, I just saw an old man yelling at a goat" he chuckled and I looked at him with a face that says are you serious.

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