"yes?" Turning around you met a older student who looked so elegant with her black hair styled into a sleek ponytail and her gray eyes staring at you , from the why she dressed you assumed she was one who's assigning the rooms

"your ID number ?" It was more of an order than I question to be honest!

Nervously unfolding a piece of paper that was shoved into your jeans pocket

"Y-Yes , i-it's 375 175 700" you stuttered as she looked throw the papers she held in her hands

"ah! Miss L/N Y/N, you're in building B , girls section, room 306" writing it down and handing you a small piece of paper

"okay, thank you very much" you slightly bow with your usual bright smile.

The hallways were filled with students , trying your best not to bump into them as you dragged your bag behind you trying to get out of the main building to go to building B.

Stepping out of the huge metal doors you decide you take a break in a close by bench and look at people passing by.

"I'm telling you , I'm just bored with this"

"We still have a couple of years to go dude" a energetic laugh draws your attention as your gaze shifted to meet with a couple of guys who seemed to look in their junior years

"I just give up, It doesn't matter anymore" the tone of that sentence gave you a feeling of sorrow that crept it's way into your body

"huh ? What are you talking about Kaizaki ! You can't quite now !" The Guy with red Hair and black eyes shook his friend so hard he probably has a concussion

"why does it matter Jun ! I'll stop existing next week!" Kai mumbled

"KAI !! We talked about this, stop with the suicidal talk already!! Aren't you visiting your doctor! Aren't you getting better !" Jun yelled

"I am... it's just too annoying to handle" his friend sighed

"what ?" You said that a little too loud as you met with a pair of dead and dull looking olive green eyes and a messy brown hair , a light blush swept across your face as you stared into those empty eyes filled with nothing but sorrow and loneliness

"shit !!" Frightened but the sudden vibration in your pocket, you reached for your phone

"you're at your room ?" A bubbly voice sent a gentle smile of your face

"oh, S-Sana !! I-I'm going right now,.. o-okay I'll meet you later at the main courtyard " Sana , your best friend called to check on you

"you okay ? Are you lost again ?" She laughed

"no I'm not !! I'll hang up now" you giggled as you stood up and dragged your bag behind you, an unsettling feeling of eyes on your small figure sent shivers down your spine! Looking back only to meet those green eyes once again

"maybe I should just apologize for eavesdropping later" you bit your soft pink lips before sending a sweet smile his way 

"Kai !! Kai !! KAIZAKI ! Listen to me" Jun's voice softly fading into the background as you walked toward building B.

"Let's see...Room 306" walking down the hall as you checked the numbers on the doors

"ah there it is" entering the key and turning the knob revealing your small shared dorm room

"hello, I'm Y/N, I'll be your roommate" you smiled brightly as you entered ,dragging your bag behind you

"hi, I'm Mei" a small figure turned to face you , her soft purple eyes looking so dull but for some reason they still gave away kindness, her long raven hair swayed till her lower back as her bangs brushed her long lashes

Yandere X Reader ... dark |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now