“Tsk tsk. Getting slow in your old age, Lizzie dear. I know the perfect solution – put an end to your miserable life.”

“No!” I screamed at her. She frowned, getting frustrated.

“What? Are you upset you can't just flip your curls and convince me to do as you please? Sorry, Kitty Kat, but I'm not one of your boy toys.” I said. She grimaced at me, then disappeared for good.

I sighed and sank into the chair, putting my head in my hands. She had broken through my defenses – I'll give her that. But I was much too strong to give in to her.

I sat there for quite some time, pondering over what Katherine had said. Would everyone really be okay with me being gone? No, that's ridiculous! When I almost dies, everyone was heart broke. They loved me, I knew that. Even Klaus – even though he was mad at me at the moment.

All of a sudden, a hand gripped my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was, and screamed. I jumped at of the chair, and started backing away, tears filling my eyes.

“No... no.. It's not possible. You're dead.” I whispered, tears spilling down my cheeks. I bumped into the bed, and sat on it hard.

There, behind the chair, was my worst nightmare.

“Ah, yes. I am. You made sure of that. And now I'm here to see to it that you are too.” he said, smiling his horrible smirk at me. I flashback to when I first met him.

*Flashback 1925*

I was sitting in a bar in Northern France. I don't even remember what town I was in – I really didn't care. My emotions had been off since I left Klaus, and they were staying that way. I sat, drinking my bourbon and watching the people around me.

Suddenly, a man sat by my side. He was tall, and had brown hair and green eyes.

Bonjour, mademoiselle.” he said. I chuckled.

English? Please?” I said. He grinned.

You're in France, and don't know French?” he asked, laughing.

No, I know French. I just don't feel like using it.” I said, giving a small shrug.

Ah. You have them off, do you?” he asked. I looked at him in surprise, and he showed my his fangs.

Ah, a fellow vamp.” I said, giving a half smirk. “And to answer your question, yes. I flipped the switch.”

May I ask why?”

I shrugged. “Long story short, someone I love got hurt by someone else I loved, who then broke my heart. Now I have no one. It's just easier to have no emotions.” I said nonchalantly. He nodded, frowning.

So you are no longer with...” he started, then stopped. I froze, looking at him.

With who?” I asked. He just shook his head, looking like he said something he shouldn't have.

Well, I think I'm gonna go.” I said, trying to look like I was worried about his intentions. He looked up and smiled, nodded.

I hope we meet again...” he said, trailing off questioningly.

Call me Liz.” I said, giving him a name few people knew, so he couldn't track me as well.

Liz. Lovely name.”

And you are?” I asked.


*Flashback ended*

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