Chapter VIII. Wolf in sheep's clothing

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Closing her eyes, she cursed inside when she became aware of the heady and intoxicating scent that tempted her nostrils. Holy  shit, he smelled good. Slowly and feeling a little bit embarrassed, Erica eased away from the embrace, her eyes to the ground. Obviously he had taken a bath already.


"Don't be, " he murmured, a stirring sensation growing inside of him as he felt the brush of her lips still linger on his skin. Taking her chin in his hand , he tilted her head up to look her deep in the eyes. "You are welcome any time, babe."

With huge eyes, Erica's gaze was fixed at his lips as he spoke. His words sending a very pleasurable shiver down her spine, all the way to her womb, making her blood boil. Be still my beating heart. She was officially turned on, like . .a lot.

With her mouth slacking a bit, she took a small step back, his hand letting go of her chin. "Oh, okay, " she mumbled, trying to sort the chaos, that she had inside of her head, out. Girl, he's your captor and he is just protecting you from Soran. Nothing more. You'd be better to ignore the fact that he's built like a brick shithouse. There's nothing you can do about it. A sombre sigh slipped from her lips.

"Is it okay for me to take a bath right now?" she averted her eyes from him and gazed over at the pond. She really needed a bath right now, if not to get clean, then just to cool down.

Caspar swallowed hard as his mind was trying to cope with all that would mean. Then he nodded at her with a somewhat tense smile, "Sure. That's why we are here, girl. Just jump right in."

Erica walked over to the pond, checking the water with her hand. It was not warm, but it was not cold either. She smiled. It would do just perfectly.

Forcing down the package that came to life in his pants, by mere willpower, Caspar tried NOT to think of her the way he had been doing for the last couple of days. What he wanted to do with her, in how many ways and positions, and in every place possible. Damn! Why the hell was he torturing himself the way he did? It was just stupid, dumb and plain ridiculous. Just snap out of it, you putz.

But it was to no avail, as his body decided not to listen to a single word of what his brain tried to tell him. Hungrily, like a predator, he imbibed the arousing sight of her undressing, the corner of his lips twitching and growing into a sly smirk.

Feeling his gaze burn on her back, Erica turned around just as she pulled her shirt over her head, deliberately leaving her chest bare for Caspar to see. A soft smile grazed her lips as she saw his jaw slack and a surprised reaction flash across his face.

Still holding her shirt, Erica took the few steps back to where Caspar stood, and stopped right in front of him, her head tilted to the side. Caspar cursed under his breath as he tried desperately to divert his eyes from her shapely breasts.

From where she got the spunk to say what she was about to, she had no idea. It was like make or break for her and she wasn't scared about the outcome. Quite the contrary. She was alone with him now, with no Soran to interfere, so why not? Go for it!

"Would you . . . like to join me, Caspar?" she asked as innocently as she could and puffed her chest up, making her breasts bob a little. She'd never been this brazen in her entire life, and seeing the reaction on Caspar's face, she just knew that she did something right. She reached for his hand and took it.

"Come on." she sensed him hesitate as she tugged him along side with her to the pond.

"I don't think that is such a good idea, " he told her as they stopped, his voice low.

Erica gave him a soft smile, then she nibbled a little on her lower lip. "Why not?" Like she did not know the answer to that herself . . .

A few seconds ticked by and it looked like Caspar weighed his words carefully, staring up in the sky. He shifted his stance from one foot to the other and sighed.

"Well, you see, there is a problem. Or more accurately . . I have a problem, " he began and lowered his gaze to look her in the eyes. Then he delivered her the most lame lie in history, "I can't swim."

First Erica gave him a scowl, then she burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that was a bad one. Remember how I got here? You really have to do better than that, Caspar. Nice try though." As she tried to smother her chuckles, Caspar gave her a dirty look and snorted. Sure he knew it was lame as hell, but he could not tell her the real reason now, could he? It would surely send her running for the hills.

Erica nodded for him to continue as she began to unbutton her pants. "I'm waiting."

Caspar muttered with frustration. "Okay, you are so asking for it." Then taking her by surprise, he took a step forward and buried his fist in her hair to tilt her head back and make her look him straight in the eyes.

"Up till now, I've been quite successful in keeping you safe here," he told her, his voice raw . Erica swallowed as she felt his warm breath on her lips. He was so close. All she could do was nod.

"Soran is no match for me, even if he has a gun. I can protect you from him in my sleep. I know how to do that, it is that easy, " he took a deep breath and moved even closer, making their lips almost touch, "But I don't know how to protect you . . . from me."

~ ~ ~

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