Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry to say kid, but you're quirkless."

Izuku's mother gasped, but Izuku himself stayed stock still, the broad smile that previously graced his face disappearing, a look of confusion and shock replacing it. His face morphed from one of shock to one of confusion as he tilted his head to the side. "I have a quirk, the man said so." 

Both his mother and the doctor stared at the boy in astonishment. "Izuku... what man are you talking about?" Inko squeaked, terrified of what kind of person may have been speaking to her child.

Izuku stared back at her innocently, his green eyes boring into her own. He smiled at his mother, silently clutching his All Might figure in his small fist.


 "I do too have a quirk! " Izuku yelled, eyes tearing up slightly as he looked at his friends.

But those who hurt you on purpose aren't your friends, little one. A voice in the back of his head whispered.

 "Oh yeah?" Kacchan sneered, "Why don't you show us then, dumb deku?"

He knows more than all of you combined! The voice hissed.

"I-I-" Izuku stuttered, glancing from side to side quickly before settling on staring at his shoes.

"I can't!" He blurted loudly, fists clenching at his sides.

 Kacchan's eyes widened before narrowing once more as his friends snickered behind him. He growled angrily and his hands sparked menacingly in Izuku's direction.

"You can't?" He  question as he took a step closer. "You cant?!" He repeated, continuing to advance in the smaller boy.

Izuku took notice of this, backing up until he tripped, and then crawling back until he hit the tree trunk behind him. His eyes widened as he realized he had nowhere else to back up. Izuku's eyes darted around for an escape route until a sparked hand slammed into the side of his face his shoulder collided with the ground.

 "You should have learned to stop saying dumb things after we 'taught you a lesson' when you decided to try to protect that other quirkless loser, shitty Deku." Kacchan smirked. "Your lucky I'm not feeling like teaching you again."

Kacchan turned and began to walk away, but then heard and odd whisper come from 'Deku'.

"Möge Ihre Verletzung schmerzhaft sein valde impedit."

Kacchan felt a shiver crawl up his spine, like claws of ice raking up his back. Cold dread filled him as he went completely ridged, concerning the lackeys following him. A mere handful of incomprehensible words managed to absolutely terrify the young blond, even though he didn't even understand what the other had whispered. He slowly turned back to glare at the smaller boy he had left behind.

"What was that, stupid Deku?" He asked, seemingly unphased by the sheer dread that had filled him moments before, the only tell being the shaking of his hands. Internally, he was still panicking and confused but chose to keep a cool façade, after all, aren't future top heroes supposed to be fearless?

"W-what?" Izuku asked. What did Kacchan mean? He didn't say anything... did he?

"... never-fucking-mind." Kacchan huffed. " Just leave me the fuck alone, Useless."

Kacchan turned his back and stalked away, the two other boys following closely behind. Izuku was left under the tree to his own devices, to think of his friend's words.

Did I say something? The boy thought, I didn't think I did... maybe it was my quirk! Maybe that's what it does!  Izuku pondered excitedly. The boy paused, his face pinching in confusion as he examined the palm of his hand.

But then... what did I say?


And then someone screamed.

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