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Christopher Brown

Stopping the heated kiss between us both I slightly pushed Zayla back away from me

"I-I'm sorry I ain't mean to kiss you this is wrong you only 17....shit man!" I fussed

Zayla was underage things shouldn't have went as far as they did and yeah I admit most of that was my fault but still it was inappropriate

"Chris calm down you didn't mean to" she innocently said sitting down on her bed

"Aight man just forget about what ever just happened, whatever we did I ain't mean that shit" I said said walking out of her bedroom door

I refuse to get attached to this girl 1 she's under age, 2 she only here for a lil while, 3 that's my homie ex

Zayla Blane

Shaking my head in disbelief I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom to fix up my hair

I still couldn't believe chris had kissed me he claims he didn't mean any of it

Yeah it hurts to be rejected but I'm not gonna play like it was unexpected because why wouldn't he reject me

After finishing up my hair I went downstairs to join everyone once again

I sat on the couch as they all stared at me in disbelief

"What why y'all looking at me like that" I said with an eye roll

"Because you wanna be kissing my bros" August mugged

"What I did not " I said I couldn't believe chris would sit here and tell them all that I kissed him

"Yes you did chris already told us how u get down no need to lie" he shot back

"Fuck you mean how I get down he came into my room and kiss me not the other fucking way around" I shouted

I ran upstairs and banged on Chris's bedroom door pushing it open in the process

"Chris why the fuck would you tell them I kiss you when you told me not to tell anyone" I shouted angrily

"Because you did you did fucking kiss me and I'm not about to sit here and ruin my career because you want to be a fast ass little hoe and kiss me" He snapped

"Fuck you and your career you selfish bitch" I spat


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