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Zayla Annmarie Blane

"I'm gonna miss you guys" I said hugging my brothers after the attendant put my bags on the jet

"Aye whats wrong baby sis why the sad face" Aj asked pulling me into a hug

"I wish mama was here she's never home it's like she doesn't even care about us" I said

"Don't think like that mama loves us and she's counting on us to understand that" Arron tried explaining

"No Arron it doesn't seem like it when I called her to tell her the news do you know what she said.....She said she thought I was calling for something else and hung up!"

I wiped my face and took a deep breath

"Look guys I got to go I'll call you when I get there I love you see you in 3 weeks" I said giving them more hugs and kisses

"Bye baby sis go do ya thing" Aj shouted as I walked up the jet stairs

"Don't come back pregnant or you and breezy getting y'all asses kicked" Arron added

I shook my head and continued on until I was in the jet

It was beautiful I know it was a fortune to buy this thing

I sat down in one of the seats and got comfortable

I heard the bathroom door close I turned my head to find Red

"OH MY GOSH" I tried not to yell to loudly

"Aye lil bit you must be Zayla" He said

All I did was nod my head

"Well nice to meet you" he said pulling me into a hug

He smells so fucking good!!

"Thanks you do to" He said

"Huh...did I say that out loud" I asked as my face turned red

"Yea it's cool tho come on I wanna show you something before we pull off"

He grabbed my hand I just followed his lead

We came to the bed room I someone laying on the bed

It was Chris

I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream

" Ima be out here you can stay in here till he gets up I guess" he struggled walking out closing the door behind him

I didn't wanna seem like a creep plus I was tired so I went and sat in the chair I was uncomfortable as shit but fuck it


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