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"Charlie, listen. Can we talk.?" You ask your husband who was leaning against the bed and watching television.

He hums in response but his eyes were still glued to the TV.

"Charlieeee." You whine and snap your fingers in front of his face.

"I'm listening baby." But he was still staring at the television.
You sigh and straddle him and position yourself on his lap.

His hands find their way to your waist in no time, as though it was a habit. He leans his head back on the headboard of the bed and stares at you with a lazy smile.
"Okay, now you have all my attention, what's it baby.?" He takes the strands of your hair and starts to twirl it around his fingers.

"Listen, it's important. I really have to get it off my chest." You say as you pick up the TV remote and mute whatever he was watching.

"Get what off your chest?" He looks at you with a confused look. "Please tell me it's your shirt. Please. Please." He says as he crosses his fingers.

You blush and can sense a smile creeping into your face but you quickly fix your expression.

"Charlie it's serious. Please listen to me. If you keep talking about removing my shirt like that and forget what really happens when we have sex..." you trailed off. You lost your chain of thought.

He tilts his head in confusion and looks at you. "I'm not exactly following." He knits his eyebrows in confusion.

You turn silent. You want to tell him. You want to tell your husband that the sudden responsibility that had been thrusted onto you was something you weren't prepared for at all.

"Baby what's wrong?" His eyebrows knit in confusion. His fingers were aimlessly drawing patterns on the side of thighs.

"Umm you see... I ... you know when we... I think I'm.... no I know I'm actually... we're gonna be... I think..." You're rambling nervously looking for the right words to say what you had to say.

"Y/n you're scaring me... what's wrong?" His voice is suddenly laced with concern and he sits up a little more straight. You get off his lap.

"I think I'm..." You trail off again and look away from Charlie's piercing gaze.

"You're what?"

"Pregnant." You mumble.

"Pregnant." Charlie repeats with disbelief over his face.

Your eyes still couldn't meet his face and the sudden silence was killing you.

"Wow... I can't believe this. Y/n...We're.. we're gonna be parents? Oh my God. I... wow. Thank you so much. That's the best thing I've heard this whole year, wow... I love you." You could hear the excitement build in Charlie's voice. He bent forward and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.

"I really can't believe this oh Lord... when... did you find out.?"'Charlie asked with a big smile on his face. His eyes flickered to your belly.

"It's been a while. About three weeks ago." You say with a sigh.

"Wait... Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He looks at you in confusion.

"I... I guess I wasn't sure..." You trailed off again.

"Ok forget that, this is so exciting. Wow. Do you want to like go to the Doctor tomorrow. I think that's the right thing to do. Wait lemme check my schedule." He stretched to his side and picks up his phone to check his phone.

You were sitting silently observing your husband.

"I still can't believe it." He mumbles under his breath. "Wow... imagine a tiny version of us." He had the biggest smile on his face as he checked his calendar on the phone.

"Okay I'm free tomorrow. We're going to the Doctor. Do you want me to book an appointment? Does your mom know? Oh I can't wait to tell my mom. I'm gonna call her up first thing tomorrow!" He rubs his hand in excitement and leans in to kiss you again.
You weren't exactly responding to his kiss, so he pulls back in confusion.

"What's wrong, baby?" He lifts his hand and places it on your cheek.

"No, it's nothing." You quietly say not meeting his gaze.

"Baby come on. I know something's bothering you. What is it?" He presses.

"I... I don't know if I'm ready for this.. I haven't done this before. I mean I've always wanted to have kids and be a mother and with the man I love but right now-"

"Right now is perfect. Y/n, ever since I've known you, I've seen a motherly side of you appear so often and I've seen you enjoy it too. It's all going to be great. I'll be there with you, through every step. You know that right.?" He takes your hands in his big ones and brings it to his mouth to kiss them.

You remain quiet.

"Wait... you don't want to have the baby.?" He asks with a hurt expression, looking into your eyes. You were still avoiding eye contact with him so he put his finger under your chin and you looked up at him. Tears were brimming in your eyes. Taking your silence as a yes he continued.
"I thought you loved children, don't you always say that?" 

"I do. I really do, but I don't know I'm prepared to have my own." You felt your throat choke up and you broke down crying. Wow the pregnancy hormones were already giving you shit.

He pulled you into his chest while you u controllably sobbed. "This... is.. so ... stupid. You probably hate me." You said in between your sobs.

He started to rub your back in order to get you to calm down. "It's not stupid. It's natural, it's fine. I'm there right.? We'll do this together." He whispered into your ear and pulled you into his lap.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I want a baby right now." You mumble into his chest.

"Well, it's not gonna come right now. I mean it takes nine months." He chuckled slightly.

"But still, a baby is a huge responsibility."

"Why do I have a feeling that you don't want this baby.?" Charlie suddenly asks as he pulls away from you.

You look away from his gaze. "I... it's not that.. I just... I don't.." You start fumble with your words.


You sigh. "I don't know if I want another one between us. Like an addition to the family."

"Baby... nothing's gonna come between, if anything a baby is going to bring us closer as parents and as a couple. It's going to be the best thing that's happened to us. Imagine something we made out of love and passion for each other. It's... it's like a Bi product of our love." He finished and flashes you a gentle smile.

You can't help but giggle at the choice of his words.
"That's true I guess... I think... I think I'm jut scared. Petrified, actually."

"That's perfectly fine baby. It's natural. My mum felt that too when she found she was going to have twins. That was crazy. I remember her freaking out and how my dad sat and consoled her. He was actually pretty excited because he always felt more the merrier."

"That's super cute. What if we have twins too?" You ask and your eyes widen immediately.

His chest shook with deep laughter.
"I too believe; more the merrier. And besides it's a huge possibility because we have fraternal twin genes in the family."

You beam at him with happiness.

"I love you, Mr. Puth."

"I love you, Mrs. Puth. Thank you for giving me the best news of my life."

Okay the ending couldn't have been cheesier uck

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