Where did he get my number? Maybe he got it from Dahyun... but Dahyun's still asleep I'll just wake her up everybody's down by now

"Dahyun wake up NO SCHOOOOOOOOL!!!" I got excited

"Yeah ayyymmmm uppp" she said and she walked downstairs leaving me alone in my room

Kim Minji-hello? Hey how did you get my number?

Hoseok-I got it from Dahyun yesterday also get ready I'll be there 1 hour, bye

Kim Minji-Ok bye

"Yah! Dahyun-ah why did you give Hoseok my number?!" I yelled running down the stairs

"He was asking for it..." she says eating the bag of chips I buyed yesterday with them

"Then why did you give it?" I asked holding up my phone

"I said he was asking for it he followed me everywhere just to give him your phone number" she said

"Ok, also you're leaving today right?" I asked

"Yes, and today is your date with J-Hope, right?" Dahyun teased me with the 'Date' and I'm just there being annoyed

"Yah!! How many times do I have to say that it's not a DATE?!" I yelled at her

"Sorry..." it's all she can say hahaha

"Also, guys, should I confess to him today since we're going out?" I asked

"Yes! You should so your hidden feelings could go out already" Hania said from the kitchen

"Ok, I gotta get ready he said he'll be here one hour" I said running back upstairs

Dahyun POV

Ok this is getting up well

I did a set up for the both of them in a park since Hoseok also told me that he likes Minji he only not told me he also told Mina so only the both of us know that he likes her too

End of Dahyun POV

Minji POV

I wish it won't be awkward after me confessing to him

I finally got dressed and this is the look of it

Then once I was done I came downstairs "Uhmm guys is this ok?" I asked my friends

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Then once I was done I came downstairs
"Uhmm guys is this ok?" I asked my friends

"Yeah" Jihyo said as she walks to the sofa

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