Lauren was left alone with Camila, who was bent over the fountain, running water over her sore, bloody nose. The raven-haired girl turned her head to one side, observing Camila with concern. "Are you okay?"

Camila tiredly glanced at her, before lowering her head once more. "Yeah..." she grumbled. "No thanks to you."

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"Awh," the brunette groaned in discomfort, accidentally applying too much pressure on her nose. "You distracted me..."

"I distracted you?"

"Yeah! With the waving and your..." Camila waved her hand towards Lauren's dress and shook her head. She was still so flustered and embarrassed she was at a loss for words. "Anyway you threw me off, thus football to face," she muttered, pointing at her nose.

Seeing Camila like this, all pathetic and leaned over a fountain after being whacked in the face by a football was quite comical. Lauren chuckled lightly and quickly covered her mouth. Camila looked up from the fountain and menacingly squint her eyes. "Are you laughing?"

"No," Lauren shook her head unconvincingly.

"It's not funny," Camila scolded.

"Right, of course," Lauren replied, biting back a grin.

"Mmm," Camila groaned. "This fucking sucks." She stood up straight and experimentally wiggled her nose.

Lauren reached into her purse and pulled out a sealed disinfectant wipe. "Here. This should help clean up some of the blood."

Camila looked down at Lauren's hand before she took the offered wipe. "What, you're a walking first aid kit too?" She asked as she ripped open the seal.

"Not necessarily. But I do carry a few things in case of emergencies. I think this counts as one."


"And I have cotton balls."

"No thanks," Camila deadpanned. The bleeding had finally stopped and Camila wiped off the remainder of the semi-dried blood under her nostrils. "You must be loving this..." she mumbled. "Seeing me suffer..."

"Not at all," Lauren frowned. "I may not like you, Camila, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone."

Camila tossed the bloodied wipe in a nearby trashcan. Lauren turned her head slightly, trying to observe the brunette's nose. From what she could see, slight swelling and discolouration were beginning.

Camila frowned, not liking the idea of being scrutinized. "What?"

"May I take a closer look?"

Camila raised an eyebrow. "You a doctor?"

"No. Not yet, but hopefully sometime in the future. I find the human anatomy fascinating and I've been doing extensive research on osteology and myology."

Camila now raised both her eyebrows and gave Lauren a clueless look.

"The study of bones and muscles in the body," Lauren sheepishly replied.

"Right..." Camila nodded.

This often happened whenever Lauren attempted to speak with someone her age. Her brain would start spewing off scientific terms or historical facts and it would completely throw off the conversation. It always made Lauren feel like an outcast but she could not help it when she got excited about her studies. Lauren tried to shake the awkwardness and got back to the matter at hand. "May I assess the damage?"

Camila sighed heavily. "Whatever gets your rocks off." Lauren frowned. Now she was the one not understanding Camila's use of words. The brunette eyed her dubiously with a slight smile. "You can look," Camila reaffirmed.

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