"What do I need to know, Sakura?"

Uh-oh, she thought. First name. Run, Sakura. Run, run, run!

She took in a deep breath and let out, "I had an affair with Syaoran."

"That's nice."

Was that a smile on his face?

Oh. My. Kami-sama.

Sakura pinched herself to make sure that it wasn't a dream. Her brother was smiling after she'd told him she had an affair. The world was probably coming to an end, or the divorce really knocked his brain out.

She watched as he leaned backward on the stool, little by little, until he fell flat to the floor.

OR ... he was just drunk.

She buried her face in embarrassment when the surrounding guests suddenly looked at them. Eriol and Koji ran over to help her brother up from the floor. And standing not far from them was a pair of amber eyes, gazing intensely at Sakura, but she didn't seem to notice.

"How many drinks did he have before I showed up?" she asked.

Koji smiled nervously. "I lost count."

"Do you need a ride?" Eriol offered.

"Nah. I'll just drive his car home," she smiled.

Tomoyo didn't like the sound of that. "B-but, Sakura! Touya will kill you if anything—and I mean anything—happens to his precious car."

"I'll be careful," she insisted. "Just help me get him to the car and I'll do the rest."

"It's your funeral." Eriol muttered under his breath, trying to hide the smile on his face. Oh. That was beautiful thought—Sakura damaging Touya's car and Touya killing Sakura for it. It was like hitting two birds with one stone.

One, he didn't have to deal with Sakura anymore; two, his car would become the next beautiful gem around with Touya's car gone.

Ohh, yes—his baby was finally going to get the recognition and love that she deserved.

Sakura snorted. "Wipe the smile off your face, Hiiragizawa."

"What smile, Sakura?" He played the innocent card.

Today is so NOT my day, she groaned inwardly in her head.


So far, so good.

Sakura felt proud of herself.

She managed to drive her drunk brother and herself home in one piece. Now, if only she could say the same thing about his car. Okay, so maybe she wasn't as good of a driver as she thought she was. No wonder her family refused to get her a car.

So... what if she smashed into their own mailbox?

People ran into mailboxes all the time, not like it was a crime or anything. Mailboxes were meant to be run over anyway. Who in their right mind would put the darn thing so close to the driveway?

Note to self: Blame it on the contacts.

"Otou-san!" Sakura rang the doorbell. "Otou-san!"

A few seconds passed and her father showed up at the door. "Sakura?"

"Nii-chan got drunk," she answered.

"Here. Let me take him." He took the unconscious man from Sakura. "He reeks!"

"I know." Sakura said as she followed behind closely. "By the way... you might want to look for a Kero the Fourth soon."

Fujitaka gave his daughter a puzzled look. "Why?"

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