Chapter 14

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Hi guys Myrna here! Sorry I left you guys hanging and didn't upload the next parts for a long time 🙏🏻 I promise I'll finish uploading them all this week. Life has been keeping me busy and I kinds forgoten this. Enough for my ramblings. I hope you enjoys Aesha's works like I did!

Rule Number Fourteen:
When God presents one problem,
There's always a second one waiting.


"W-what!?" the older woman finally found her voice after ten or fifteen minutes. "He's your what!?"

"My boyfriend," Sakura answered.

"Your WHAT!?"

Meiling covered her ears. "Her boyfriend. Dang it, woman, clean your ears!"

Syaoran quickly slapped her arm. "S-sorry," he smiled nervously. "She's always like that."

Sakura sighed and quietly said, "We've been dating for about two weeks already."

"You can't be serious!"

"I am."

Before anyone could say another word, Nakuru tugged Sakura's wrist and pulled her away from Syaoran. "I'm sorry—" she forced up a smile, "—but can I borrow my sister for a minute?"

And she dragged Sakura back to their apartment.

She slammed the door behind her before pushing Sakura into an empty seat. She folded her arms together, and strictly gave the other girl a look that had 'You have some explaining to do' in her eyes.

"I met him when I moved here," Sakura started saying slowly. "Syaoran was looking for a secretary, and Eriol introduced us. I started working for him, and then... this."

Nakuru rubbed her temples. "Tell me, Sakura, when did the fact that you are betrothed slip out of your mind?"

"It never did," was probably the wrong answer to give at that moment.

"It never did?" The older woman repeated, slowly, pacing about in front of the door. "Sakura, are you aware of what you are doing? Otou-san will be very—I'm not even sure if 'surprise' is going to be the reaction. If Touya finds out, he will personally kill your boyfriend."

"I know..."

"Are you serious about the relationship? I mean..." she paused before continuing. "...if you just want to have fun—like a fling—before settling down, then I don't have to repeat this to Otou-san or your brother. That is... if you are thinking of ending this affair with no strings attached."

Nakuru stopped talking to observe the expression on Sakura's face; bewilderment hit her in the face.

"You don't want to end the affair?" It came out as a statement rather than a question.

Sakura sighed shortly. "I don't know anything about my so-called fiancé—I don't want an empty marriage. I had thought that I could go along with the engagement to make Otou-san happy, but I started to think of myself. I know my selfishness will disappoint our family, but I only have one life to live, and possibly one chance to get married. I want to marry someone because I have feelings for him, not because we are arranged for each other."

"And this guy—your boyfriend..."

"I don't know where we will be in the future, but I don't want to let go of what we have right now. We might be broken up by next month, but it doesn't really matter. For once in my life, I'm actually having a relationship, and it feels nice."

"Are you happy?"

"Yes! Didn't you tell me that you wanted time apart from Touya because you feel like you've missed out on a lot of things by rushing into the marriage?" Sakura said. "I don't want to feel regretful in the future."

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