Chapter 2

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Rule Number Two:
You can come into the girl's apartment uninvited
And slap her in the ass, but DROP the milk.


"I told you to call me."

Sakura looked down at the floor, trying to hide the annoyance in her expression. Leave it to her brother to fly all the way from China to Japan in one day, because his little sister forgot to call. Well, technically, she didn't want to call him. But her brother didn't need to know that.

"Something bad could've happened to you!"

Sakura rolled her eyes. "You left your wife in China during your second honeymoon to fly back here and lecture me?"

Touya froze at her words, like he was trying to process them through his head. "Wife... second honeymoon... Oh shit Nakuru!"

"You forgot about Nakuru?!"

"I didn't forget about her," Touya replied in defence. "I just didn't get a chance to tell her I was flying back here."

"Uh huh," said Sakura, rolling her eyes yet again. "You know, she's going to blow."

As if Sakura had just jinxed her brother's luck, his cell phone started to ring loudly. Touya quickly threw the phone over to Sakura and sweetly mouthed a threat to her.

Sakura sighed and pressed the talk button, preparing herself for the worst.

"Kinomoto Touya, you better tell me your ass is on China's soil or else!" the voice on the other line said dangerously, emphasizing on 'or else'.

Sakura gulped. "Hi, 'Nee-chan."

"Sakura?" Her sister-in-law breathed slowly, a sign that she had calmed down a little. "Why do you have Touya's phone, and where the hell is that bastard?"

"Onii-chan is kind of busy right now," said Sakura.

"Well, you better tell him to get his busy ass back on a plane and fly back over here so I can kick it."

Sakura sweatdropped.

"What do you want me to do?" she whispered to her brother.

"Anything!" He mouthed back.

Sakura flipped the phone close and stared back at Touya innocently. "What? You said to do anything."

He merely scowled at her.

"Well, excuse me for trying to help!"

Touya snorted, getting up from his seat. "Want to grab a cup of coffee?"

"You're treating?" Sakura asked, speechless at the thought of her brother offering her a drink.

The older man laughed loudly. "You wish, kaijuu." Sakura sighed. She knew it was too good to be true. "You are."

"Fine. Fine."

"Let's go then!"

Sakura grabbed her coat while cursing her brother in her mind. "But I'm warning you, I'm saving money so only one drink."

"Cheap butt."

Sakura stepped out and locked the door. "Bite me."

"Real nice, kaijuu."

"Whatever. Do you want coffee or not?"


Note to self: Never treat Touya to coffee ever again.

Sakura sighed as she unwillingly handed the cashier three twenties with a longing look on her face that said she didn't want to let her money go. "Are you sure it's $59.40?" she asked the cashier again.

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