Chapter 8

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Rule Number Eight:
It's not called stalking;
It's called meant to be.


There's something wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me. Something wrong with me. Nothing wrong with me. Something wrong with me. Nothing wrong with me. Something. Nothing. Something. Nothing. Something. Nothin—Sakura paused in the middle of her thoughts and tilted her head to the left a little, following the direction of Syaoran's ass. God knows why she was looking at his ass. She just found herself looking at it when he walked by, and she couldn't stop looking at it ever since. Nice butt.

She slapped herself back to reality. No. Way. She did not say that Li Syaoran had a nice butt—what in the world was she thinking! He did not have a nice butt... just a very nice piece of bun-bun.

Okay, Sakura... seriously. Get a grip of yourself. No more thinking or looking at him. Got that? Sakura told herself.

It was bad enough that she dreamt about him every now and then. She didn't need to add more problems to her life by checking him out every second he passed by. It wasn't that she wanted to look at him. She just wanted to see if there was a difference between the dream Syaoran and the real Syaoran. So far, she got nothing.

"Like what you see?"

Sakura snapped out of her thoughts. "H-Hoe?"

"You've been looking at my ass all morning," he smirked slightly. "How is it? From one to ten, I bet I'm a ten plus right?"

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Once again, you are so full of it."

"I know I'm full of hotness," he said. "You don't have to remind me all the time—once is enough to let me know that you love me."

"You are hopeless."

"Do you have any plans today?"

"What do you mean? Don't we have work today?"

"It's Saturday," he said dryly.

It is?

The week went by so fast she almost forgot that it was Saturday already. Sakura couldn't believe it. She was still breathing after working with Li Syaoran for a full week. It was a miracle. She didn't know how she did it, but she did it. She survived the first week of work with the man.

Now, all she had to do next was to survive one more week until he moved his ass back to his own apartment, and she didn't have to see his face again—well, outside of work that was. Sakura was getting sick of his face. She saw him everywhere.

He was the first thing she saw in the morning and the last thing she saw before she closed her eyes. She had to deal with him outside of work hours and at work, not to mention that she even saw his stupid face in the shower. Unfortunately for Sakura, his stupid ego led him into putting a picture of himself on the bathroom wall. One time, Sakura was walking by the bathroom and she caught him talking to the picture—it was NOT a sight she wanted to see.

One more week, Sakura... One more week.

You can do it.

Just. One. More. Week.

"Oh," Sakura replied quietly. "Not sure. You?"

"What I do every week."

"Watching porn?"

He scoffed. "You have to throw that at me every chance you get, don't you?"

Sakura smiled innocently. "But isn't that what you do?"

"Are you interested in joining me, Miss Kinomoto?"

"N-Not even in your dreams!" Sakura stuttered, trying to hide her embarrassment.

I'm in Love with a PlumberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz