Chapter 14

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I don't want to go to my mom's today, so I called early this morning telling her that I'm not feeling well enough to join them. I know she knows why, but she just accepts it.

Monday feels like it is taking too long. I am so ready for work. I want to see Cristina.

Finally, it is here, and I am pulling up in the parking lot. I see Lily and Nathan by the door waiting for me. I make my way over to them and hug them in greeting. They both exchange a look with each other.


They do it again, then Nathan speaks up, "who is she, Em? Do we know her? When will we get to meet her?"

I can feel my cheeks heating up a bit. I push him aside and start walking into the building.

"What are you talking about, Nathan? It seems like you know more than I do."

He is giggling, "sure, sure. You won't be able to keep it a secret for too long."

To not have this conversation anymore, I dash for the lift ahead of them. I can hear them both laughing. Damn it! I am not doing anything! How can he say that?!

I make it to my office, and I'm putting down my purse when I turn around and see Cristina. She has her back to me. She is sifting through one of her file cabinets.
I smile and, quietly, make my way to her office. As quietly as I can, I lock her door and move towards her. I go right up behind her and wrap my arms around her torso, bringing her body flush with mine. I feel her tense, but the minute I speak, I feel her relax.

"Morning, sexy," I say, my fingers working at her jacket buttons in front.

"Emma, not here," she says, huskily.

I refuse to listen. I undo the three buttons on her jacket, and it is hanging open. I turn her around, and my lips are instantly on hers. She doesn't hold back. She kisses me, too. It is a passionate kiss. I can feel she missed me, just like I missed her. My hands go to her shirt under her jacket. Our kiss deepens. I nip her lip, seeking access. She allows me, and I slip the tip of my tongue inside her mouth and quickly pull back, teasing her. My fingers pull on the end of her shirt to release it from her pants. She isn't holding back or stopping me. I have her shirt out of her pants, and my kisses are trailing along her jawline to her neck. She is struggling with her composure. She is trying to pull away now, but I trail the nail of my index finger over her bare stomach in a circular motion. I can hear a loud moan as I bite into her neck gently.

"Emma...did you?"

I suck the spot on her neck that I just bit. She is breathing so heavily.

"Did you lock..."

I run my two hands up under her blouse towards her breasts.

"Fuck...lock the door?"

To make her pulse race just a little bit more, I say no, even though I did lock the door.


I know she wants me to stop, but my hands run around to the back of her bra. I am now trailing my tongue on that sensitive spot on her neck. I slowly unhook her bra, and as I am about to run my hands under the loose bra to the front of her body, her office phone rings.

She jumps.

"Emma, go. Seriously, go!"

I kiss her cheek, pick up the ringing phone, and hold it up next to her ear.

I can see her fighting to regain her composure. I can see the lust in her eyes still.

She just looks me directly in the eyes, and I wink at her as she takes the phone.
I leave her office and head back to my desk to try to focus on my work.

During the day, every time I felt eyes on me, they were Cristina's. Every time I caught her looking, she would blush before breaking eye contact.

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