Chapter 6

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I run straight to my shower. I don't even greet Missy. I am still, somewhat, in a state of shock. I hold my head back and let the warm water flow over my head. Closing my eyes isn't such a good idea. The minute I do, I see Mrs. Canton. I see her sweating. I see her pulsing up and down on that bar. I see the way her muscles twitched just beneath her skin. Closing my eyes brings everything back to me. I can still see her patting her body to get rid of the sweat. I can see how she wasn't fast enough to catch the escaping bead of sweat that slid between her breasts.

I bite down on my lower lip and quickly open my eyes. This needs to stop. I am acting like it is the first time I saw a sweating woman. Acting like it's the first time I saw a well-toned and fit woman.

Maybe I am just this way because I am close to my period. I always get sexually excited much easier at this time. Yes, I think that might be it. It has to be.

I refuse to close my eyes and have any more visions of her. I try my hardest to push my thoughts of her to the back of my mind and finish with my shower.

When I get done, I can function a little better. I make my way outside to feed Missy. I turn on the TV and sit on the couch with Missy.

I am halfway through a random comedy show when my phone rings. I answer quickly. It is my mom. She is always like this, checking up on us without a reason. We chat for about 10 minutes, and then she says goodnight. I smile contentedly. I am always humbled by my parents' love.

I suddenly want to talk to Gwen. I call her up, and she makes it known that it is about time that I do the calling first. It is not that I don't like calling her and spending time with her. I am just this way with everyone. I always feel like people have enough things going on. I don't like to add to anyone's possibly overflowing schedule. I've explained this to her numerous times, and she has done the same in saying that she will always have time for me.

We chat about everything and nothing. Found out she has a new love interest, some guy she has met at the Smoothie Corner. I am happy for her. She is a little crazy, but she is a lot great. She has a lot of attitude, but underneath it all she has a heart of gold. I ask when I will be introduced. She says I am moving too fast.

We eventually say goodnight, and I walk to my bedroom. It is time for me to get some rest. Damn! Normally, time seems to fly by so quickly, but this week feels like it is going so slowly.

I make a mental note that I have a lunch date with my sister the following day.
I take off my shorts, leave only my tank top, and panties on, then climb into bed. Missy is right behind. I drift off to sleep almost instantly.

The night proves to be so restless. Periodically, waking up, feeling so rattled for no known reason. 

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