Chapter 10

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I get up Monday morning feeling better for some unknown reason. I want to make the best of this day. My Monday proves to be going smoothly. Mrs. Canton is on a one-week leave from work. Maybe things will be better at work if I don't have to see her at all. I spend my lunch with Lily and Nathan. And the day is over before I know it.

Wednesday rolls around, and I simply need Mrs. Canton's signature on two cheques. I am authorized to sign on her behalf, but not these. Tuesday evening, I thought of stopping at her house, but I didn't.

She lives about seven minutes away from work, and I have to pass her en route to work every day. I discouraged myself from stopping in Tuesday evening, but this morning, I find myself pulling up in her driveway. I need something done for work.

I hop out of my vehicle and head to the door. I knock a few times, and the door swings open. I feel like my breath is instantly sucked out of my body. I wasn't thinking. It was a bad idea to just stop unannounced. Her eyes go wide, and she tries to fold her arms over her chest, but she is too late. I just stare at her for what feels like 10 minutes. She is wearing just a cami and shorts and is barefoot. She is not wearing a bra, and I can almost see through her cami. It is white. I can see the darkening of her areola and the imprint of her nipples. Her shorts are short. Her hair is a mess. To me, she is just beautiful. I swear, this woman's work attire really hides everything.

I gently exhale, and try my hardest to regain my composure.

"Uhm, hi. Good morning, Mrs. Canton. I'm sorry for coming by without notifying you, but I just really need your signature for today."

I am holding out the cheques in her direction.

She clears her throat, "you could have called. I would have had no problem coming to work to sign them. Since you're here already, come inside."

She steps aside to let me in. Her house is huge. Though it is clean, it has a hostile feel to it. There are no family portraits on the wall. There is nothing to indicate at happy times. There are no pictures to evoke pleasant memories in the residents.

I wait for her to close the door and lead me to the nearest counter or something. We go to her kitchen, and she gets a pen from a nearby drawer and comes to the counter where I am standing.

Again, I can't help myself. I stare. She sees me watching. I can tell she is a bit uncomfortable. For the life of me, I can't help myself when I see her. I get so bold, and it gets so uncontrollable. I make sure to keep the documents close to me, forcing her to get close. She comes so close that I can smell her hair. It smells like some type of berry.

I am still staring at her while she signs.
When she is done, she takes a step back, looking at me. I stare intently at her. She tries to look away, but not for long before she is staring back at me. I take a step towards her, and she takes one back. She can't go any further. Her back is against the counter. I put a hand on either side of her body, blocking any path to escape. I come mighty close to her. Our bodies are almost touching. I can feel her tense.

Without breaking any eye contact, I ask, "when will I get my date?"

Where the hell did that come from? Did I really just ask her that?

She stutters a bit, "Ms. --Ms. Hunter, uhm...I can't," she looks away from me.

As if I haven't stepped out of line enough, I hook my index finger under her chin and bring her focus back on me. I can almost be sure that I feel her tremble.

"I want my date. I'm not taking no for an answer," I say, not letting up.

She bites her lip and tries to move. This only makes me push closer into her. My body is now touching hers. I can feel her heat.

I bring my lips right up next to her ear and barely whisper, "meet me at Seaside Diner at 6:30 this evening."

She doesn't say anything. I step back a little, putting space between our bodies, and I can see how her nipples have hardened. She knows I see them. I smile so devilishly at her and wink. Her cheeks are red almost instantly.

Without saying another word, I make my way to the door. Before I can get to the door, it swings open. I guess this is Mr. Canton. I greet him, and he barely even answers. Strange. Before I am out the door, I hear his voice.

"I forgot my phone, and before I could even leave the house you already have a bitch up in here? Don't let me catch you going back to your old ways, Cristina."

With what I am hearing, I partly run to my truck and race out of there.

All day at work, I kept thinking back to my encounter with CRISTINA. I don't know what came over me. That's not like me. Why did I corner her? Why did I insist on a date? Why did I demand she be at the Seaside Diner?

My mind is whirling with all sorts of things. Then, what about her husband? Is that really how he talks to her? What old ways was he referring to? I have every intention of finding out later, even if I eavesdropped a bit.

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