She went downstairs looking here and there as she knows nothing about this house and no one was awake.. then one maid saw her..
Maid: hello ma'am.. u woke up so early?
Swara: yeah.. I m habitual to get up early.. can u please tell me where is house temple. I want to do Pooja..
Maid: sure maam.. this way..

She showed her temple and Swara thanked her.. Swara cleaned the temple and then do Pooja. She sing bhajan.
Everyone get up and get mesmerized with her voice. Accept for Laksh who was irritated. All came to temple.. even servants also listen her.

After singing bhajan, she did aarti and then turned around to find everyone standing..
Swara: sorry.. I woke up u all..
AP: Swara.. what are u talking.. u sang very beautifully. Infact I want to say u should sing regularly ok..
Sujatha: ji jiji.. Swara.. u also sing very beautiful like me..
Rp coughed..
Sujatha glared but rp ignored and bless Swara.
Dp also blessed her.
Swara gave Prasad to everyone..

Then only Sanskar came back.. sujatha sees him and call him..
Sujatha: Sanskar...
Everyone turned around.. all sees him.
Dp: Sanskar.. from where u are coming now?
Sanskar: I was in office papa.. I had important work..
AP: that means you didn't came back last night..
Sanskar: no maa.. It was important..
AP: you left Swara at her wedding night and you are saying important work... What important work you had haan?

Dp: answer it Sanskar..

Sanskar didn't replied.. he just choose to silent..
AP: you could have at least inform us..
Sanskar: sorry maa.. I..
AP: no Sanskar.. you did wrong...

Swara: maa.. let it be na.. he must have important work or else why would he do that..

AP: but Swara..
Swara: maa.. let it be.. pls..
AP nods.
Sanskar: thanks maa..
And then he goes to his room to fresh n up.

AP sees Swara who was little sad.. but she hide it with smile.
AP tell her about her first rasoi.. Swara get Happy.
She went to kitchen and made kheer for everyone. Even she made everyone's favorite food asking from cook.
AP and sujatha come to kitchen to help her but Swara had already done everything by herself.
AP: you have done everything... Chalo we will arrange the table.
Uttara: I will also help u badi ma..
All arrange the table..

Everyone settled. Swara served them. She was going to serve kheer to Sanskar but he denies..

Sanskar: let it be.. I don't want it.. I don't like sweet dish..
Saying this he took toast in his plate.
Swara feels bad.
Sujatha: Sanskar.. today is her first rasoi.. can't u eat at least today?
Sanskar: no.. I don't like it Chachi ji..
Laksh: and mom.. is it needed to eat kheer.? . he is eating other thing na.. then..

AP was going to say something but Swara held her hand and signal not to say anything..
Uttara noticed it and felt bad for Swara.

After left to office. Swara goes with AP and sujatha. They spend time together. Swara didn't felt alone.. she felt really happy. Sujatha kiddish behavior was making her smile sometime. Like this she forget morning incident.. whole day passed.

It was 11:00 pm.
Swara was in her room waiting for Sanskar as he will come late. AP told her to have dinner and sleep but she said she will wait for him. Everyone slept accept for Swara..
She was writing her diary when she heard car sound.. she came to balcony hurriedly and sees him..
She kept her diary in side drawer then he entered inside...

He look at her once but then move toward cupboard to take his clothes keeping his bag on sofa..

Swara was nervous but gathering some courage she said: Sanskar ji.. u must be hungry na.. I will arrange ur dinner.. u get fresh n up..

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