Chapter 2 : Nerd and Friends

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As i grew up, A.H wasn't going to my school..YET.
At like 2nd grade i heard everyone talking about that new boy who passed that test to enter the school with "A"s.
I asked what that kid's name was and little did i know he was a nerd..yes that's A.H.
I did not care at all instead i was just buying candy from the school cafeteria.
One year went by and we had to choose a class president, our grade was divided into 2 classes, one for the boys and one for the girls.
And guess who won the one i was in!
ME! I won yay! With 4 votes.
Then me and my friends were celebrating and we also went to the cafeteria, we found the boys celebrating too. And guess who won theirs..yep, A.H.
I considered us enemies since then, I always wanted to be on top of everything , and when he got in, i started living in his shadow.

in third grade i got first rank, it was my first time realising i was a nerd.

After another year went by i was best friends with someone I'm really ashamed of calling them that now..S.G.
She made me hang out with her alot and my parents noticed that my marks were lowering and had to get me a tutor.
She lead me into sport activities that wasnt my thing and forced me to have a crush even though I didn't feel anything towards anyone.
And i gave up and told her a random person O.T and then she decided she has a crush on him and threw me under the bus.. then when THAT group of girls who used to bully me knew about O.T liking her back, they pulled her in and changed her completely.
I started crying because she was exactly like them and always told me that she loved me more than anything. Then left me straight away and played with them and the boys.

Another year passed by.
It was fifth grade, even though I don't remember much..I definitely remember getting decent marks and having better friends.
H.H , S.I and B.M were the most loyal and trusting friends I've ever had.
They didn't force me into anything and we didn't get into activities except if all of us liked it..sure we fought alot but we always found our way back to eachother.
S.I moved to another city but we still meet and text.
Drifted away from B.M but we're closer now but not like before but i still love her to death, funniest person EVER.
That leaves H.H and makes her my closest friend of all time.

So as you know i was a nerd then i lost that for 2 years and started getting back to 6th grade, i was the maths genius.
A.H was considered the smartest in all of our grade and we started competing.
Us and a couple of people were chosen to enter a small competition between schools and we met K.M she was my best friend who A.H developed feelings for.
Ofcourse I didn't know i had a crush on him yet but that year i knew.
He was cute and adorable but only I thought best friends thought he was ugly and annoying so i had to hide having a crush on him for over a year.
Once i was afraid of people knowing of it i faked a crush on the new kid, but it didn't turn out great.
Everyone looked at me disgustingly and I cried myself to sleep at night.
They didn't know how I actually felt.
So i told my friends that i never had a crush on him anyway and they believed me, but I couldn't tell the boys that because we werent close.
The second semester, I got sick of it and told my best friend H.H about my crush on A.H. She used to tease me with me having one on him but i kept denying, even though she was joking she was tottaly right.
And little by little i started telling my other best friends but i had to end it because the teasing was becoming too much and i told them I don't have a crush on him
But H.H knew i still did.

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