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"under the roof"

my beloved,
here we are bounded
by the ties of time
and who would think silly
that it shall be
the one who loosen up us through?

on how it took years
to tighten a knot in between
through strolling down the streets of the saint,
riding a bike alongside cars
until it's night
and is afraid to cross the bridge


screaming out the younger years
it's only me on the back seat
who would weigh on your back
yet, time will tell
to part over the roof
we spent half of our lives


growing old, far from the good days
must have my image there
rusting in brown
and the ink of my signature
all stained
kept on your pocket

strings different from a rubber
are all swinging loose
dearest, it's the late house i am in
and it feels strange
to step onto another you have built.

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