Chapter Eleven

Comincia dall'inizio

"Penny for your thoughts?" Harry's familiar voice broke me from my thoughts. "It's nothing." I told him and sat back down on his bed. "It's obviously something if it has your full attention." He told me and I shrugged.

"Just thinking about my family." I told him with a frown. "Do you miss them?" He asked and I nodded. "More and more everyday." I said. "How would you like to go see them?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"Wait, really?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. "You'd do that for me?" I asked. "I'd do anything for you." He told me and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Who would take me?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'll find someone." He smiled.

"Thank you so much, Harry." I said lightly hugging him. "I'll let you leave tonight, around 6, so go pack." He told me and I nodded and then got off the bed. "Thank you again. I'll come see you before I leave." I promised and he nodded.

I made my way down the stairs, even though Harry had now granted me access to the elevator, I wanted to walk. When I got to my room I realized that I didn't own a suitcase. Anette or Sasha had to have one, right? 

I quickly made my way to their room and knocked three times on the door. The door opened moments later. I was greeted with a smile by Anette. "What's up?" She smiled. "Do either of you own a suitcase?" I asked while biting my lip.

"I think Sasha does, why?" She asked and then her eyes widened. "He's letting you leave isn't he?! Sasha said he'd release you!" She said with panic through her eyes. "What? No! He's letting me go see my family." I told her and she sighed of relief.

"Oh thank God. I don't know what I'd do if you left." She said then gestured for me to come in. "Let me go get that suitcase." She said then walked into Sasha's room. She returned moments later with a small baby blue suitcase in her hand.

"Make sure you get this back, if you don't she'll probably kill you." She laughed and I nodded. "I'll only be gone for two days." I told her and she smiled. "Have fun and be safe!" She told me as I exited the room. "Thanks again!" I told her then went back into my room.

I started packing some of the clothes I had gathered from the past few months. There wasn't that much, and I didn't need that much. I threw in three outfits then a pair of shoes, then I zipped up the suitcase. It was pretty much empty, but it didn't really matter.

Before I forgot, I went to my dresser and opened one of the drawers. I pulled out the necklace then put it around my neck. If anyone asks I'll tell them Harry gave it to me, and if Harry asks I'll tell him Anette gave it to me. Fool proof.

I took the suitcase out of my room then left it by the staircase. No one in here could really steal anything without me finding out who did it. I then went to the elevator, because I was too lazy to walk the stairs again. 

I hit the top floor and the elevator lurched up. When I got off the elevator I passed Gemma in the hallway. "Crystal." She curtly nodded. "Gemma." I said the same way she did, then continued to Harry's room. I passed the office and saw Niall on the phone with someone.

When I entered Harry's room he was still right where I had left him. "You're done already?" He asked and I nodded. "It's already five forty five." I told him gesturing to the clock on the wall. "Oh, I guess it is." He chuckled.

"I talked to Niall and told him where you were going. The only person that was willing to go with you was Zayn, so I hope that's already." He informed me and I nodded. "That's fine." I lied. I really didn't want to spend time with Zayn, but I wasn't going to tell Harry that.

"You'll only be gone for two days. I hope that's alright." He said and I nodded. "Absolutely. I'm just glad I get to see them." I smiled in excitement. "I wish I could go with you." He said with a frown and I nodded in agreement. "I wish you could too."

"Next time." He said. He then started getting up from the bed. He groaned in pain so I quickly stepped towards him to help him up. When he was up he thanked me then walked next to me. "I'll see you soon." He said and wrapped his arms around me.

When he pulled back he looked down at me then his eyebrows furrowed. "Where'd you get that?" He asked skeptically, looking at my neck. "Anette gave it to me." I told him quickly. "It looks familiar." He said in confusion.

My heart beat skipped. Did he know who had the other half? "Oh well." He said. "You better get going." He said and pushed me away slightly. "See you in two days." He smiled and I nodded. I exited the room with one last goodbye.

I turned then went into the office and saw Niall sitting there going through some papers. "Hey, Ni?" I asked, catching his attention. "Hm?" He hummed as he looked at the papers. "Is Zayn here?" I asked, but before he could respond I heard a cough.

I turned around and saw Zayn standing there. "Oh never mind then." I chuckled then exited the room. "Ready to go?" Zayn asked and I nodded. "I left my bag on my floor, so we have to grab that really quick." I told him and he nodded. 

We went into the elevator and waited for it to hit my floor. When it did I quickly went out while Zayn held the door, to get my bag. I grabbed it quickly then tugged it into the elevator. We waited until the elevator hit ground level and when it did the doors opened.

Zayn took my bag for me then led us outside. There was a small car waiting and one of the guards put our bags into the car. "Where do you live?" The driver asked. "Kingston street in Robinson Hill." I told him. 

Zayn shot me a questioning glance, but I didn't say anything to him. "You're wearing your necklace." Zayn pointed out and I nodded. "How did Harry not ask any questions about that?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"He did." I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I told him Anette gave it to me." I explained and he nodded. "Great." He said sarcastically. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, nothing." He waved it off. "Okay..." I said uneasily. "So, Robinson Hill?"


the necklace ⇢ z.mDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora