However, upon reaching the level of facing Tarin in a fight - as a means of him ascertaining the level of their abilities - Vice had quickly learned that while they were great, they were not the best. He had put them down in just over a minute, but after the spectators had dissolved, he had come over to speak to them. It turned out, he had been impressed by their magic. Vice did not know to this day how he could possibly have absorbed anything from that quick attack, but apparently, he had been able to pick apart the spells they had cast, and realized that the twins had weaved magic in a way he had never seen before. He accepted them as students right away.

Vice had always looked up to Tarin Wulf, though there were not many Fae who could say otherwise. He was a man of legend, and now that she had been at his side for so many years, she knew that he lived up to that legend. She had even gone through a period of being attracted to him, though that did not last for more than a few weeks before Vex kicked some sense into her. He did not have room for anything in his life but his affection for the princess, and his devotion to battle in defense of the Realm. Anyone who fell for him would be doomed to suffer for that love. Vice knew that, and her crush did not last long, though her respect for him would linger forever.

Though, at the moment, her sympathy for him was stronger than anything. He was in so much pain, but she could do nothing to console him. He would not want consoling anyway, she knew. She found herself wondering if the great Tarin Wulf, the Warrior of the Moon, had ever even shed a tear. She imagined that, if anyone had ever witnessed it, they had had good cause for keeping it to themselves.

Tarin would not have been interested in their greeting anyway. He stormed down the stairs, but upon reaching them, merely turned to the cell door and opened it wide, leaving the key he must have gotten from the guards above in the lock... as he launched himself at Ambrose.

Birches cried out and dove into the cell after him. Vex touched Vice's hand, and Vice nodded shortly in response to the unspoken comment that passed between them. They held out their hands and created a barrier between Ambrose and Tarin even as Birches struggled to get a firm hold around the general's torso. Tarin was writhing around like a snake, and it was clear that Birches was using all of his strength to keep his arms pinned to his sides. However, that did not last very long; Tarin broke free and slammed Birches' head against the ground with a crack before diving back towards Ambrose with his hands outstretched like claws. It was only the twins' barrier that stopped him from ripping the man apart, though he had already gotten a good few strikes in.

"Sir, please-- Sir, the queen is coming to see him soon!" Vice cried, wincing as he struck their magic again and again. She was sure that he could circumnavigate it with his own powers, but he seemed intent right now on charging through everything like an angry bull.

"I'm going to kill him," Tarin simply kept repeating. "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him."

Birches struggled back to his feet and backed out of the cell. Upon glancing between Tarin and the twins, he seemed to realize what they were doing, and added his own magic to theirs to strengthen the barrier. It seemed all they could do at the moment. Vice could only hope that the general would calm down soon, perhaps once he burned off some of his energy.

"Enough, Tarin."

All three Wolves spun around, dropping their hands. The barrier died, but Tarin did not attack what was left of Ambrose. It was clear that he was longing for that opportunity, but the general was nothing if not dedicated to serving and obeying the crown - and who else was standing behind the Wolves than the queen herself, decked in a gown the color of her hair and wrapped in a shawl that she held together against her stomach, as if she needed something to do with her hands.

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