Chapter 34 - Helping out.

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We arrive at our former home, the orphanage...


"Good afternoon."

"Well, Tegemi, Yomiko and Minamino thanks for coming."

The headmistress comes pattering out from inside the building.

"Were glad to be here."

"You'd been reliable since you became Tegemi boyfriend huh?"

"Eh? I've always been reliable headmistress." I said rumbly.

"Really?" doubted Yomiko giving me a disgust look.

Tegemi and the headmistress just smiled at me.


Yomiko interferes breaking the atmosphere.

"Right, Headmistress. There's one thing I wanted to ask."

"Haven't the facility surroundings...changed a bit from before?"

Upon hearing this, the headmistress show a sullen expression.

"Yeah...The truth is, if it wasn't for a young man who fought for the orphanage this place would be long gone by now."

"W-What do you mean headmistress?" asked Tegemi startledly.

"Oh' right! I haven't told you about that story but first let's come inside first so you guys can rest the kids are still having their lesson, so I'll tell you about that story while we wait."

(I hope the head mistress didn't recognize me at that time...)

We sat and wait at the reception area. The headmistress bring us some tea and biscuit

"About that story head mistress?" reminded Yomiko eagerly wanting to hear that story.

"Oh, that."

"That was a long time ago, when both of you were adopted by your respected foster parents some loan sharks offered me a huge sum of money trying to buy the orphanage at the time they already have almost all the property in the area, and the orphanage is their final target."

"We've lost the old shops and playgrounds."

"I rejected their offer and that's when they started scaring the kids and harassing us, they even kidnapped few of the kids for me to sell the orphanage to them."

"That was horrible!" said Tegemi worriedly

"Yeah, those heartless thugs!" followed by Yomiko.

"But then out of nowhere a young man appeared saved all of the kids who had been kidnapped donated a huge sum of money and after that those loan sharks never came back."

"Wow, the kid who was it?"

The headmistress darted her eyes towards me.

"No one knows, he disappeared as fast as he appeared but we're forever grateful for what he did, though I'm sure his just near, watching us."

Tegemi seems to followed head mistresses eyes towards me and she smiled sweetly.

(W-why is she staring at me?)

And then we heard rumbling steps from the distant.

As I look back toward the noisy footsteps...the children of the orphanage charge out.

"It's Onichan!!!"

"Oh boy..."

They charge at me like a flock of chicks.

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now