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Connor laid back down. "Of course," He whispered. "Of course, I can't leave you..." He leant into Hank and took his hand. "I'll never leave you." He whispered.

Hank smiled at Connor. He closed his eyes and leant into Connor. "Thank you," He whispered. "Thank you."

Connor wrapped his arms around Hank and held him. There was no way he would leave Hank. Connor's LED spun as he stroked his boyfriend's back. He sighed softly and moved closer, deciding he wasn't going to do any more of Jody's shit.

He called the police and told the situation to the dispatcher. He was going to let the professionals deal with it. When he was done with the call, he pulled up the hospital blanket and squeezed Hank's hand.

Hank pulled his hand away. "Ah-- your hand went really cold all of a sudden!"

Connor frowned and looked at his hand, which looked metallic. He quickly let his skin back over his hand.

"I'm sorry, it just happens."

Hank frowned, taking Connor's wrist. He lifted his hand up and pressed their hands together. Connor's skin disappeared slowly, then stopped around his elbow.

Connor looked up and met Hank s gaze. He smiled softly. Hank smiled back and leant over, kissing him softly.

He put his arms around Connor and smiled widely. He pressed their foreheads together and closed his eyes. Connor closed his eyes and leant into Hank.

They laid there for awhile, before Hank accidentally fell asleep. Connor pulled away and his skin went back. He wrapped Hank up in the blanket like a burrito. Connor curled up and cuddled against his side, going to sleep with him.

Journey Through Love (Hank X Connor)Where stories live. Discover now