20.Hospital Room

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Objective: Call Hank

Get out of bed?

Call for nurse?

Interact with objects/Get to know room first?

Connor was a curious person. He wanted to look around.

He couldn't do much from the bed he was in, so he grabbed a tv remote and turned on the tv. It played some sports game. He flipped the channel, which displayed the news. He turned it off and set the remote down, turning his head.

Interact with flower.

Connor poked a flower that was sitting in a vase on the nightstand.

He poked the flower again and smiled, then placed his hand beside his body. He looked around the room. Connor looked towards the window and stared at it for a moment, then saw there was a table with wheels on it by the edge of the bed.

Kick table?

Look at what the table has on it?

He sat up and saw a paper card.

'!WE HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER!' Written in red crayon, under it a picture of a stick figure girl with a 'get well soon' balloon in her hand.

He picked up the letter and opened it.

'Hi! Im Lia from Girl Scouts! Im nine and i like the colour red. were making cards for hospital patience. Heres you're card! get well soon, patience of the hospital!'

Connor wanted to autocorrect the errors in her spelling and grammar, but he wasn't going to complain about getting a random 'get well soon' card from a girl he'll never meet. He set down the card and pushed himself up. There was another paper on the desk, some reports on how he was doing.

After reading it, he checked his body, then walked to the window, calling Hank.

There was a few rings, then the phone picked up. "Heya, Con-Con..." A clearly intoxicated Hank mumbled 

"Hello, Hank. I'm in hospital room 133 on floor two. I hope to see you today."

"Yeah, yeah," Hank yawned quietly. "I love you... I'm so glad you're not dead..." He whispered, staring at the framed picture of Cole he had fallen asleep holding. He stood up and put the picture away. "I just woke up, give me a feeeew minutes..."

"Remember to feed Sumo and drink tons of water. Get a taxi."

"OOOkay, stahp buggin' me, I'm on my way."

"Be careful, Hank."

"Be careful, yeah," Hank nodded, scratching his beard. "I'll be there soon."


"Yeah, Connor?"

Connor smiled to himself. "I love you..."

"I love you, too..." Hank smiled. "Lay down. I'm coming."

"133, floor two. Bye." Connor hung up. He turned around, his new objective was to lay in his bed.

He could look around a bit more, though, but his foot felt weird. He sat down and looked at his foot, remembering how those men had bent it at the ankle. He wiggled his toes, which seemed to be in working order. He laid down and pulled the blanket up, thinking about Hank.

He must've fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew, he was woken up by yelling.

"Let me through!" It sounded like Hank. 

"Im sorry, Sir, but you don't look like you're in any condition to be visiting the patients!"

"I'm done arguing you! He told me to come!" The door opened a crack, and there was some bickering before it flung open and Hank stumbled in. He closed the door and locked it.

"Connor!" He ran to the bed and hugged him. "I was so worried!" He cried, holding his boyfriend's body close.

"Hank," Connor whispered, patting his back. "Lay down?"

"Alright," Hank kissed his lips and waited for Connor to move, then laid down beside him. Connor rolled onto his side and closed his eyes. Hank stared at his back for a moment, before realising what he was expected to do. He wrapped his arms around Connor's waist and pulled him close. Connor relaxed against Hank's chest and closed his eyes, sighing happily.

Hank giggled and set his hand on Connor's leg. "You're not wearing pants."

"Hospital gowns don't come with pants." Connor rolled his eyes.

"That's just fine," Hank whispered, kissing Connor's neck. Connor curled up and relaxed with his boyfriend.

"Thank you for coming..." 

"Of course." Hank smiled and kissed his head. "You'll be coming home tonight, right?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning." Connor said.

"Ugh," Hank hugged Connor tightly. "Connor, I love you so much..." he whispered.

"I love you, too--" He was interrupted by Hank's phone ringing.

Hank took it out of his pocket. "Ugh, it's Captain Jackass." He sighed and answered the phone.

"Lieutenant Anderson, where have you been?!"

"Connor got beat up by some thugs! Get the fuck off my back." Hank rubbed Connor's side softly.

"Would you like to lose your job? Because it seems like you do!"

Hank rolled his eyes. "How would you feel if your only family member was fighting for his life in a hospital bed? You and your stupid goons sent him alone to get you some doughnuts, and now he's hurt!"

"He's not that good of an Android if he can't even pick us up some treats!"

"That's because he's not a fucking Android! He's a living being, and if you don't respect him as another human, I'll make you!"

Connor covered his ears and closed his eyes, listening as they continued fighting. Hank hung up and put his phone away.

"That man pisses me off." Hank grumbled. Connor lowered his hands and looked over at Hank. 

"I'm sorry..." Connor whispered. "You should be at work..."

"It's okay," Hank leant in and kissed him. Connor's eyes closed and he smiled against his boyfriend's lips. Hank pulled away a moment later and sighed softly.

Connor rolled onto his other side and pressed his face against Hank's chest. Hank held him closely.

They laid in silence for awhile, until Connor seemed to drift off. Hank stared at him, letting some tears roll down his cheeks. "Its okay," He repeated, his voice breaking. "It's okay," He hugged Connor closely, burying his face in Connor's hair. "It's okay, Daddy's here, Cole..."

Connor opened his eyes and frowned. He wondered how traumatic it was for Hank every time he lost or almost lost Connor. He must've seen his soon in Connor: someone young and innocent and sweet. Connor curled his fingers into Hank's jacket and held him.

"Cole's not here, Hank," Connor whispered. "It's only me..."

Hank broke down. "I know..." he sobbed. "I love you, Connor..."

Connor held him tightly, rubbing his back. "It's okay, Hank," he mumbled. He knew Hank would feel better once he sobered up more. "Get some sleep..."

Tired and hungover, Hank decided it was the best option, so he closed his eyes and held Connor tightly, trying to sleep.

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