Lumax: Amnesia

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Song: Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Ship: Lumax/Mucas


Lucas's point of view

I clutch the steering wheel firmly when I see it. The bar that she and I used to go to every Friday night when we were dating. At 19 I shouldn't be missing someone this much.

I watch the small building go by as I pass it. It was there that she told me she was leaving me. She kissed me for the last time there.

I turn at the light, thinking about her still. El tells me she's fine. But is she? Did Max tell El to tell me that? Is she happy? Does he love her? Does he treat her right? He took the only thing that could make my heart beat out of my chest. She was my reason. My reason to do anything. I loved her. And she said goodbye.

My mind races as I think about everything. I still remember every single thing she said that night. I remember the way her flaming red hair had stuck to her face when she cried at the exit of the bar. Her makeup had run down her face, black tears dripping off of her chin. She wouldn't stop apologizing. She left. But how could she be happy now?

She stood up to get us drinks, "I'll be back in a sec," she said, not even looking at me as she walked away. I frowned, wondering what was wrong.

A few moments later, Max emerged from around the corner, carrying two drinks.

I smiled at her, "Thanks Madmax."

She sighed, closing her eyes like she was in pain, "Don't. It'll just make all of this harder."

I looked at her, questioning, "Max? What's wrong?"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, "Lucas. I can't do this anymore."

"What? Why?" I looked at her with disbelief.

"I just...I don't really know...I just don't feel like I used to about you."

I looked down, "I thought...I thought you loved me."

Max grabbed my hand, "I did. I just can't do this anymore. I'm not as happy as I used to be with you," she sobbed, "I'm so sorry Lucas," she gasped in between words.

I looked down for a few more moments, thinking through what she said, "Lucas, please...say something," she cried, tugging the corner of my shirt.

I glanced up at her, "Max. I'm gonna go home. Goodbye. I hope you find someone that can make you happy," I said calmly, smiling through my teeth, trying to hide the devastation I was actually feeling.


I set money on the table for both of our drinks and I swiftly walked away. I heard her call my name but I kept walking.

"Lucas! LUCAS! LUCAS WAIT!" Max screamed after me. I ignored her until she grabbed my arm and turned me around. She was always strong.

"Lucas Sinclair! Look at me! Talk to me," She let the tears stream freely down her red face. Her eyes were puffy and her freckles were hidden by her completely flushed complexion.

"What is there to talk about Max?"

"Why'd you just run out on me? I want to talk," her voice was shaky. I rarely heard her voice shaky.

"It's what you wanted. You don't want us to be together anymore. So I left to grant that wish. You don't want to see me anymore. So I'll disappear," I stated and she just stared at me, "So goodbye Max Mayfield."

I turned again to leave, walking at a fast pace so she couldn't persuade me to go back.

"Wait! Lucas! Lucas please!" she screamed behind me, I could hear her starting to run.

I picked up the pace and sprinted away from her, blocking out her cries.

"Just turn around Stalker!"

I stopped at the sound of the nickname she gave me in middle school. It was the only thing that reminded me of who she was and what we had been through.

I could hear her panting behind me, "Stalker."

I faced her, looking into her blue eyes. She was beautiful. But she wasn't mine, "What."

She looked at my eyes then at my mouth. The redhead girl leaned in and gently brushed her lips against mine. It was beautiful and terrible, like chaos and order in the same moment. I couldn't shake the sick feeling in my stomach. My heart ached when we parted.

I looked down at her now calm face, knowing all too well the emotions she was hiding behind her slight smirk, "Goodbye Madmax."

She smiled sadly at me, "Goodbye Stalker."

A tear rolls down my cheek as I remember that night. It was only last year. She had switched all her classes after that. Mike, Dustin, Will, and I never saw her senior year.

She got together with Troy Harrington about a month after our breakup. She even did it knowing what he did to me, El, and the party in middle school. He was abusive. I could tell. The few times I saw her in the hallways, she was wearing long sleeves and pants, even in hot weather. Her eyes were always puffy. She always had her arms crossed, like she was trying to protect herself. It hurt me to know that she was being treated terribly for doing nothing.

El had stayed in contact with her and only vaguely hinted about a bad relationship. I don't think Max wanted any of us to know.

I let more tears fall. I am alone afterall. No need to keep my composition.

I swerve as my vision blurs, making it hard to drive.

"Shit," I mutter to myself, trying to stop the tears from coming. But they don't stop.

I close my eyes to clear my vision but instead I am met with the sound of shattering glass, tires screeching, and the sound of a scream echoing from my own throat.

3 months later

My eyes flutter open, the white hospital lights hurting my eyes.

My eyes blur as I try to make out the shapes in front of me.

A tall boy with a sweater. Mike. He is holding hands with a girl in a blue summer dress with brown shoulder length hair. It take me a moment to place who she is. Um...El. A smaller boy with a bowl cut stands next to her. Will. I see a boy in a baseball cap and the slight smell of nougat wafts towards me. Dustin.

"Guys!" I say brightly.

El practically jumps on me, "I'm so glad you're okay! I thought you wouldn't wake up."

I hug her small body, "Wake up?"

Mike comes over and hugs me as well, "Yea. You got in a car accident and you were in a coma for three months."

"Wow. I could've died."

"But you didn't. And we're all grateful for that," Will hugs me as well.

Dustin is obviously crying, "Oh man. I thought you were gonna die!"

I roll my eyes, "Mature as always."

"Lucas?" I turn my head to see a red haired girl standing in the corner of the room. She walks towards me, her face becoming clear. Her eyes are swollen and red. She smiles at me and grabs my hand, "I'm happy you finally woke up Stalker," she looks hopeful as she says the last word.

I smile, slightly confused at what she called me, "Oh thanks." I frown, "I'm sorry, but who are you?"
I honestly love this and I wish I could figure out a way to write the ending better than I did but it's still good enough for me. ITS SO SAD THOUGH!!!!! LIKE, WHY WOULD I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!?!? *cries in the club*

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