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Alya's P.O.V

"Alya, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I know whatever happened must've been such a shock, but your mood swings are just-" Marinette began for the fiftieth time. "I'm fine, Mari!" I exclaimed. "I'm just having some regrets, I guess that wasn't the best way of handling that situation- it was quite childish." I sighed.

Ever since we got back from Nino's, I wasn't able to fall asleep. My thoughts were too troubling- whatever he did was wrong and absolutely disgusting, but I can't start hating him out of the blue. I'm scared he's the one who'll hate me- when he wakes up and sees what we did to his car, his bed, and his clothes... I don't even want to think about it, but troubling thoughts just keep penetrating my head. 

"Alya, I know that I can't just say this and everything will go away, but still. Sure, it was childish and impulsive, but you did what you thought of to make yourself feel better- even if it was for a little bit." Marinette said. I seriously don't deserve her. Why did I drag her into my unnecessary plans? "Yeah, I guess," I replied. "School's tomorrow and I am so going to regret waking up this early." 

"At least try to sleep," Marinette said with a yawn. "Try the 4-7-8 breathing method. It helps for me." She said. "Nope, not gonna work." I said immediately. "I'm pretty sure that only helps stabilize your heart rate." I said as a matter of factly. "Yeah, which then helps you sleep." Marinette said with a straight face. "Whatever..." I mumbled but tried it anyways, and soon I fell into a deep slumber.

As I walked through the hallway, one thought kept circling my mind: I can't face Nino. It's finally time for lunch, but I can't make myself exit the bathroom because I'm so ashamed of myself. Whatever happened can't be changed and now I'm stuck to deal with the consequences- Nino too.

I sneaked a peek out of my stall to make sure nobody else was in the bathroom. Marinette and I didn't have the last class together, so she's probably wondering where I am. I took my bookbag off the small hook behind the door and stepped out into the wilderness that is highschool.

"Oh- hey! I've been looking for you." Says the unmistakable voice of Nino. I feel my heart stop- if I could die for a second and come back to life, this is what it would feel like. I turned around slowly and sheepishly. Gulp. "Uhm, Nino." I addressed. He frowned, "I thought you of all people would know better." I raised my eyebrows. "Nino, I admit whatever I did was stupid and wrong, but you can't say that to me." I retorted. "You're the one who kissed some random girl." I said cantankerously, my eyebrows creasing at the thought.

"It was a test, Alya," He sighed. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked, my agitation growing every second. "It means that I wanted to see how you'd react." Nino said. "Why?" I snapped. I didn't want to stand there any longer, however I couldn't seem to water down the curiosity that sparked within me.

"Maybe I don't deserve it but meet me after school tomorrow at the park near Marinette's place." Nino said. Before I could say anything, Nino added, "Please." And I could tell he was desperate to explain his messed up actions.

"He told me to meet him at the park near your house." I told Marinette. She raised her eyebrows giving me a look that said 'please tell me he isn't serious'. "It was a test. What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She scowled. "I don't know, but whatever it was, was obviously stupid." I said for the millionth time. "Well, are you going to go?" She asked.

I paused before answering. I honestly didn't feel like seeing him but I couldn't help but succumb to the curiosity within me. "I think so." I sighed. Suddenly, Marinette laughed. "Why does everything seem to happen at the park near my place?" I chuckled dryly at the thought.

Whatever happened to Marinette was something good, but me, not really. I was tired of being the one who got all the bad luck. I'd really hoped this friendship was equal, but it doesn't seem so. I don't know why, but these thoughts made me angry- angry at Marinette, even though none of this is her fault.

I never saw myself as a jealous person, but my hidden qualities seemed to be showing themselves. So, I had a plan, one to see if Marinette cared about her relationship more than our friendship.

I'm going over to Adrien's.

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