22. letting go

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Hi sisters! It's been a while. idk when this chapter will be up hA! needed a little mental break so i came back to dis jawn 💘💘 love y'all
(read the date at the top left of the picture!)
it's been months.

let me elaborate.

it's been exactly one month since me and nick last spoke. we've seen each other, sure. but spoke? ha! we hadn't even tried to initiate conversation which each other.

at first, the anger inside of me made me oblivious to the hurt in the my heart. after a few days passed, my heart started physically hurting.

i became obsessed with nick. i wanted to coincidentally be at the same places as him. i organized friend group activities (in which he just stayed home). and i checked his instagram about 10 times a day.

flacka eventually noticed my trends and made me evaluate my lifestyle "from a different point of view."

although her claims seemed annoying to me at the time, i took time out of my nightly crying session to evaluate the choices i had been making.

i realized that i was genuinely acting like a crazy person. i decided that a change had to be made with my situation with nick.

so, for the past week i've been focused on school and only school. i spend lunch in the library, head straight home after school.

things with my friends haven't  been so well either. zaniyah still hadn't spoken to me or malani, so everything was feeling awkward between all of us.

i was currently vigorously reading my chemistry textbook when i was interrupted by jay and malani in my doorway.

"is glizzy here?" i asked. malani shook her head.

malani was due in april, meaning that soon we'd have a baby in the house! it also meant that we'd have to go to more doctor's appointments because they are more critical.

in fact, we were waiting on glizzy to pull up in his new whip and take us to the doctor. jay tagged along because he wanted to "see his niece".

"kiari, i have to talk to you" said jay. he seemed serious. i closed my textbook and directed all my attention towards him.

"what's w-wrong?" i stuttered. jay sat next to me while malani sat on the other side of me.

"y'all are scaring me" i said "is it the baby?"
"kiari the baby's fine, i hope" said malani
"it's about nick" said jay
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" i screamed
"calm down" said jay "he's okay."
"ok then what?"
"well his career is taking off, he got some business in LA, and he moving over there kiari"
"his career? i haven't heard one song from him on the radio"
"you don't listen to the radio" said malani
"still" i said
"kiari, you should be happy for him." said jay
"i am" i lied
"you should be happy for me too" said jay
"you?" i asked confused

"i'm going with him. we gonna be the next big thing watch" said jay, smiling
"so fuck school huh?" i asked, cause that's all that would come out of my mouth.
"we still gon finish doing online school kiari" he said.

i stared at my feet in silence. analyzing all that was going on. now i really had to let nick go. he was moving to LA soon where a bunch of chantal jeffries ass bitches would capture his heart... and his dick.

"anyways" said jay "there's a party tonight, at my crib. it's a goodbye party since me and nick leave next friday night"
"NEXT FRIDAY!" i exclaim
"yes kiki" he says "are you coming?"
"i don't know" i say
"please kiari... please?" jay begged
"she's going" said malani.

suddenly,we heard glizzy scream "i'm here niggas. the horn ain't working"
"ghetto ass nigga" said malani under her breath.
"i cant believe there's gonna be a baby in my house soon!" i exclaimed "i'm can't wait to buy nursery decorations for my room and everything!"

glizzy looked at malani through the mirror.
"you ain't told her?" said glizzy
"i-i hav-" stuttered malani
"told me what?" i asked
"malani, when were you going to tell her?!"
"it's been a hard month for her!" said malani
"can y'all please tell me what's going on? i'm sick of people hiding shit from me!" i say and look at jay. he shrugs.

"kiari, i'm moving in with glizzy in a few weeks"
"oh" i said "why?"
"i don't AyahMarie to be away from her dad, it's not good" said malani
"that makes sense, it's okay" i said, sadly

"yeaaa im working full time and everything" brags glizzy
"so FUCK SCHOOL?" i say
"hell yea." says glizzy "i'll make more money without high school anyways"

"malani are you dropping out?" i ask
"never that kiki, i promised you i wouldn't. i don't even agree with glizzy's choice, but that boy is so-" she was interrupted by jay.

"holup holup holup glizzy put the radio up" said jay

glizzy turned the radio up.
"LOUDER" said jay
"nigga this as loud as it go"

i recognized the song. it was the song nick showed me in the car. i gasped.

jay started recording a video on snap to send to nick. he pointed the camera at me and i covered up my face. once the hype was over, i stared out the window. nick really made it, and we didn't.
nick's song was also blasting from the speakers at jay's party.

the place was packed! i guess people really only fuck with you once you make it.

me and malani looked for our friends, and we spotted all of them (excluding nick and jay) in a corner. even levy and aaliyah were there.

zaniyah stared at me and malani as we walked towards them. i peeped tay nudge her a little, like damn, be more subtle.

zaniyah took a deep breath and walked towards me and malani.
"uh oh" malani whispered

"hey" said zaniyah
"hi" i said. malani modded.

"listen y'all, i miss you. i want to apologize for the way i made things. i over exaggerated and my pride prevented me from apologizing."

i squeezed her in for a tight hug.
"i forgive you zani. i'm sorry for not telling you"
"i understand the reasons were good! and malani im sorry about the hurtful things i said to you"
"it's all good" said malani, smiling. she hugged zaniyah. i was so happy in this moment. we are all back to normal.

we walked towards the corner where the group was.

on the way there, i saw nick. i didn't make eye contact with him, but i saw him smile. he kept walking towards me, i thought he was gonna hug me, but he walked past me and dapped up some noodlehead behind me.

that shit was embarrassing.

the rest of the way, i walked with my head down to avoid any more embarrassment. i guess that wasn't possible for me because i bumped into someone.

"sorry" i mumble. i look up and see tall ass jacob. since when was he so fine?

he looked at me up and down and licked his lips. "'nah you good".

"thank you" i say, and move out his way.

his grabs my arm and pulls me back to him.
"you got someone waiting on you?"

i wish i could answer yes, i wish nick was waiting for me. and i don't know if it was because jacob was looking good or because i was lonely but i said
"let's go get a drink"

i eyes malani and zaniyah. malani did the dick sucking motion at me, as if i would ever.

as i walked back to the kitchen with jacob, i caught a glimpse of nick going outside with some guys, probably to smoke.

that was the last time i was saw him for weeks.

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