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A Different Look On Something

Tiffany's P.O.V

I set the jacket back on the rack and walked to the counter. I was at work and 30 minutes away from getting off I've been here since ten and it's going on three and I was out of it.

"Tiff take the register for me real quick I gotta use the the bathroom" my co-worker Xavier said before rushing off to the bathroom leaving me with the two customers, I put a greeting smile on my face before grabbing the leather jacket and pair of white and red adidas scanning it waiting for the cost of it all to come up.

"This will be 109.98" I smiled looking at the man and woman.

"Man we could've went to to a cheaper store than this" the dark-skinned woman said. She was a little heavy and the man was tall very handsome with pretty hair.

"I got this Missy this ain't nothing" he grinned at her pulling out a one hundred dollar bill and a 20 dollar bill handing to me.

"Keep the change" he said smirking at me.

I gave him a soft grin giving him his receipt and bag.

"Have a good day"

"You too miss" he replied walking off with the girl with apparently the name 'Missy'

As they were walking out Latoya walked in looking back at the man lowering her shades scanning him as he walked down the hall
She finally looked away and walked towards me.

"That man was fine as hell hey girl" she greeted leaning on the counter.

"Hey how's it going" I asked.

"Not so good" Latoya sighed.

I gave her a questioning look

"I've been getting sicker and sicker by the day and I don't know what caused it" she said.

"Have you been having sex?" I asked.
She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Bitch I ain't pregnant" I laughed.

"It's probably just a cold" she added.
I nodded.

"You talk to shad or any of them today?" I asked.

"Only Dion his mother doing real good I'm proud of him" she said grinning.

"Yeah he's doing a good job taking care of his family" I smiled reminiscing about how he use to help my little brother with his homework, my father with his vehicles, and my mom bring the groceries or take a trip to the to grab them if she was too tired. That's what made me like Dion he's more sweet than he seems.

I shake the thought of Dion out my head.

"Shad still messing with that girl" I asked seeing Xavier walk back over to the counter I step out the way for him to stand in front of the register.

TWISTED || DEVANTE SWINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora