Ryan knew it was useless to try and hide from Matthew. Matthew was more powerful than him. Ryan appeared from the nearby tree. "What are you doing here?" Matthew gritted through his teeth. "It's none of your business" was his answer. "Tell me why you're here or I will kill you" he said angrily. "Should I be scared?" Ryan smirked. "You don't have to be scared. Death isn't scary" Matthew leaped at him, sinking his teeth into his neck. Ryan grunted but managed to get the stronger vampire off of him. Ryan tried to run but Matthew was faster. He grabs a hold of Ryan's neck and slammed him into the trees.

He then chokes the younger vampire. "Why are you here?" Matthew repeated his question. "Not... telling" he said in between breaths. Before Matthew opened his mouth again, another hand grabbed him from behind and threw him against the bricks. Matthew grunted but got up to face Cassadee Pope. She was strong as well but Matthew believes that she has no match against himself. She ran at him and sank her teeth into his neck. He yelled in pain but pushed her off with the force he has. When she's on the floor, he pressed his foot against her neck. She nearly choked but he lifted his leg up.

He grabbed the collar of her shirt and moved his face so close to hers that she could feel his breath. "Go to Hayley and tell her that the wars on. I'll crush her to pieces so watch out. You lay a finger on Cydney, I'll kill you all. You all know that I can" Matthew spat at her. Cassadee nodded as he dropped her onto the ground. Seconds later, both Cassadee and Ryan retreated. Matthew suddenly felt a shot of pain through his neck. That bitch! He thought. Cassadee's bite mark was still apparent on his neck. He would probably get worst side effects later. Cassadee's bites are really poisonous.

When he walked to the front of the house, William, Angie, and Sierra were just walking into the house. Angie's eyes grew wide when she saw the blood oozing out of his neck. "What happened?" Angie walked over to Matthew to touch it. "Don't touch it!" he yelled at her and she jumped back. "It's nothing" he mumbled to her. "Someone bit you" she pointed out. "Angie, let's just go inside" Sierra put her hand on her shoulders. "But..." Sierra gave her a look and they both went inside. William turned to Matthew. "What happened exactly?"

"Hayley sent Ryan and Cassadee to possibly get Cydney or Angie" Matthew said. William's eyes grew wide. "No way"


Alex Gaskarth sat by the lake, throwing rocks at it. He lost the love of his life. He still couldn't believe that she's really gone. He's only left for one day to go do something important and that one day something terrible happens. What is he going to do now? The only thing he can do is get revenge or just die. Maybe he'll go kill Hayley and her clan first and then kill himself. He'll go to the lord and ask for a punishment. He wanted the punishment of vampire death. He has failed to protect his desired lover and he would never forgive himself for a whole eternity. So why bother living?

He heard a crow squeak and drop a note at him. Scratching his head, Alex picked the note up and unfolded it. He read the note "Juliet's alive but she's different. Hayley has her" Alex felt a shot of hope in him. He has to tell William. Maybe he won't get approval but he doesn't care. If no one will back him up then he'll take matters into his own hands. Did that mean that Juliet's a vampire? No way. Who sent the note anyways? What if it was a trap? Maybe it was. It doesn't matter. As long as Juliet's alive he doesn't care.

He got up from the rock and started the action. He knew what he was going to do. He was going to kick some vampire ass and get his wife back.


Cydney was reading a book when Matthew walked in the room. "Hey" she smiled at him. "How's your sleep last night?" he asked. "It's good, how about yours?" she closed her book shut and crossed her legs, facing him. "Mines fine" he nodded slightly. "So what do you want to do today?" he questioned. "I just want to stay home. I don't feel like going out today. But my dad invited Angie and I to dinner and I have to go. Do you want to come?" she offered. "Oh nope thanks" he quickly answered. "Why not?" Cydney bit her lips, examining him.

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