You're a Werewolf

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“I told my dad what I could” Stiles said as he walked through the door of Scott’s house. He’d just gotten home when Scott called him and frantically told him about Sean escaping from the hospital and about biting Liam because he had no other choice. He wasn’t too big on the details, but looking at him now Stiles could tell he was still on edge.

He’d called his dad right after so they’d start the search for Sean before he hurt anyone else or worse.

“But you didn’t tell him about Liam?”

“You barely told me about Liam. What did you do with him anyway?” he asked after scanning the living room and noticing that he wasn’t in there.

“They’re upstairs”.


Scott shook his head and told him he’d see for himself once they got there so they quietly walked up the stairs. They could hear the painful grunts and soothing sounds coming from Scott’s room the closer they got and when they opened the door, right there on the bed Stiles saw Bonnie sitting with Liam’s head on her shoulder and his hands tied between them as he grunted in pain while Bonnie rubbed his back in comfort, promising he’ll be okay.

She looked up when she heard the door open and her face turned stone cold with rage when she saw the now banes of her existence standing by the doorway looking like idiots. She didn’t even want to come here, but after Scott’s incessant begging she didn’t see an alternative because she couldn’t take him home in the state he was in. The conversation of how he got bit wasn’t one she was trying to have with her parents, so she agreed to bring him here instead, and now she was regretting it.

“Why did you tie him up?”

“So you bit him?” Stiles asked turning his back to the siblings sitting on the bed so he could completely face his best friend and not have to look at the angry girl on the bed, and Scott nodded, “and you kidnapped him?”


“Okay, and how did she get involved?” he asked pointing his thumb over his shoulder towards Bonnie who almost snapped at them for completely ignoring her, but decided against it. She would spell Stiles’ thumb off his hand later since Liam didn’t need her losing her shit right now. “She was there” Scott answered and Stiles eyes widened in panic, well she definitely knew about him now. To say she was pissed off that he bit her brother would be an understatement, in fact if he remembered correctly she actually tossed him against the wall and pinned him there without even touching him and accused him of turning Liam into a werewolf.

“He’s just a kid!” she yelled in anger while the wind picked up around them again and he swore he noticed the weather changing suddenly, but with the throbbing against his head from the impact on the wall he couldn’t be sure.

“Bonnie” Liam groaned in pain from the corner wall he was leaning against while he clutched his arm and she eventually let him go, telling him to fix it.

“She knows about us” he told Stiles who only rolled his eyes in response because yeah, he pieced that together on his own and turned back around to look at the girl on the bed, they were so screwed. “So I panicked and brought them here”.

“Just to be clear, this is exactly why I come up with the plans. Your plans suck”.

Bonnie raised an eyebrow at the two boys, tired of the two of them talking about them like they weren’t in the room. “Are you gonna answer my question?” she asked and Scott nodded, explaining that it was to keep him from hurting himself and she scoffed mockingly, barely keeping herself from pointing out that he’d done enough of that without any help from Liam.

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