Chapter 24

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Dedicated to my new editor
Chapter 24 Eris's POV
This was an...interesting day. Apparently people overheard my conversation with Blake. People stared at me all day with a look on their face, like they were surprised that I stood up to him? Are u kidding?! I'm on top of the world, but at the same time I feel awful. I still feel like I want to run up to Blake and tell him sorry and for him to tell me that he is sorry, and for us to go back to how we were but I can't. I'm stronger than that.
Just to prove how strong I am, tonight Ryder and I are going to a high school party. I don't know how big of a deal it is for Ryder but for me it's a huge deal. No, this is not my first party, but my life isn't full of partying. Although, today a lot of people are actually asking me to come!
We left the school in Ryder's pickup truck and
we made a quick stop at Ryder's house to pick up her outfit for the party. After that we made our way to my house to get ready.
My refection stared back at me as I looked over my outfit in the mirror.
"You look incredible Eris...How do I look?" said Ryder with a worried tone in her voice in the end.
"You look great...we both do."
"Then lets HIT THIS PARTY!" Ryder screamed in my face and dragged me out of the house.
For the entire car ride Ryder was bouncing in her seat and screaming the lyrics to every song on the radio, while I laugh my head off. However, I was very concerned about our safety a few times as she belted out the chorus of songs and closed her eyes as she drove.
It was a miracle we made it to the party without dying,but hey, WE DID!
As I walked up to the house, the smell of alcohol was evident. Just from looking into the doorway I could see people grinding and dancing on each other.
"Eris! I didn't know you would be here."
I turned my head to see Anna standing under a tree looking at me in surprise. I was so happy to see another person that I knew here, but then I remembered what she said about Ryder this morning. I quickly turned my head in the other direction and started walking towards the house. By now I have already lost Ryder in the clump of people so it was no use looking for her.
"Eris! I need to talk to you! Please!" I could hear Anna yelling from behind me but I headed for the drink table my intent clear.
I took the closest drink I could find and downed it in one gulp. I know that I am probably being really stupid but right now I really don't care. I took a few more drinks and did the same thing as I did with the first. After a couple of moments all I felt on top of the world was really giggly.
I could see Blake standing by the door not really interacting with anyone. I decided to go say hi.
"Wow! Hey Blake. You're hot. Did u know that? I think so. Hey are we friends? I totally forgot. I think we are. Well then, hey pal."
"Hey, oh my gosh I'm so sorr-wait are you drunk?"
"No! Why would you think that?" I slurred out
"Because you can barely stand up."
"No I'm just trying to listen to the ants. I can speak to ants...did you know that?" I said looking up at him from my position on the grass.
I was on my stomach with my ear to the ground as Blake stood over me.
"Come on Eris let me take you home."
"No I have to listen to the ants! They need me!"
"I promise you can listen to the ants once you're home, ok?"
"And we are friends, right? I don't need you kidnapping me while I am trying to listen to ants."
"Yes, we are best friends Eris. Now can I please take you home?"
"Yes." I say standing up, "But you'll have to carry me."
He then proceeded to carry me bridal style down the street. Then I started giggling uncontrollably and I don't know why. It's like I have been holding it in forever and I had to let it out.
I looked up to see Blake looking down at me with a smile on his face.
"Why are you smiling?" I said with a few giggles between my words.
"Because your giggle is about the best sound I have ever heard."
"Well, thank you." I concluded by kissing him on the lips. When I pulled away I couldn't stop giggling as I looked up to see his blushing face.

The rest of the night was a blur. I think I ended up in my house, although it looked nothing like my house and I was placed on a couch not a bed. At the time I really didn't care. It was about the softest thing ever. It was like I was sleeping on a cloud. That thought made me giggle as I soon fell asleep with the softness of the cloud surrounding my body.
Sorry for not updating! I want to dedicate this chapter to my new editor Kiersten! She is an amazing editor so far. I know that the chapter is very cliche but the next chapter will be great!!!


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