Chapter 22

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Eris’s POV

Wow…Monday. Ryder’s first day of school and probably my last. I have to see him today. In the halls, in classes. I have decided to just get over it. I mean I have been tricked into think someone would care for me before, what makes right now any different?  This time is different through. This time I am going to brush him off, I won’t go to him asking why he hadn’t come or if he still liked me just to have them laugh at me.

          Plus Ryder promised to be with me during all of the classes we have together and in the halls. That makes me feel just a little bit better.


Here we are. Ryder and I decided to take her car to school since I don’t have one and it is faster than walking. Now, we are sitting in Ryder’s pickup truck hoping the other will get out first.

“Should we leave?” Ryder says with her eyes not leaving the school.

“Let’s just get this over with.” I said with a sigh as I opened the passenger door. I decided to walk her to the office to meet the principle seeing as she doesn’t know where anything is.

The principle was there, waiting for us outside the office doors and walked up to us when we approached.

“Hello Eris I am glad you are here. This must be Ryder. I am Mr. Davis. I am the principle here at Wilkerson Road high. I have heard that you and Eris are really good friends so I have decided to have you two in the same classes. Here is your schedule, I hope you have a great year here. Eris, I hope you can show her to all of her classes?”

“Yes sir. Will do.” I confirmed.

He smiled at us, turned and walked into his office.

“Yay! Same classes! This is perfect! Show me my locker now!” Ryder yelled all while jumping up and down.

          After I had finally showed Ryder her locker and gave her directions to all of her classes it was already second period.

Once we walked into second period I could feel everyone’s eyes on us. I walked up to the teacher and introduced her to Ryder. Then we had both taken our seats at the back of the class room.

Only after we had been seated did I finally feel his presence in the room. I could really feel him. His gaze on me. I didn’t look in his direction…I couldn’t. I knew this if I looked him in the eyes that I would immediately forgive him and I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.

Ryder leaned over and whispered to me, “Wait is Blake the hotty who is staring directly at you?” I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see that it was Blake, a look of concern way obvious on his face. Wow! Now he is concerned for me!!

“Yup that’s him.” I whispered back

“Good to know.” She said as she shifted awkwardly in her seat and sent a deadly glare in Blake’s direction.

          But it wasn’t until after the bell rang did something serious happen.



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