It's near, hiding in the trees, my lady.

Ora drew her sword, she wasn't going to waste time around with them, not when another reiatsu - perhaps the one behind this futile ambush - was just ahead.
"Show yourself, these guys won't do your dirty work." She said after she knock them all out. "It's a shame that you've used their rage towards me, but as you can see, they can't even touch me."

A distorted laugh came out from one of the defeated warriors. Slightly, the man started shaking, pushing out a rotten aura from inside. The aura took shape in the shadows, revealing only its big red glowing eyes, squinting as it observed Ora.
"You must be so proud of yourself, little girl," the creature said, "becoming a Captain soon after you were so close to be executed."

"Is that why you're coming after me?" Ora slided her sword towards the creature. "Or did these guys released you just to get rid of me?"

The silhouette moved closer, towards the moonlight, revealing its white mask with red fangs painted around its face. The hole in its chest confirmed what Ora already knew, it was one of the Hollows that might have escaped the sealing spells, probably from the academy. The Hollow looked at Ora and smiled cruelly.

"You smell delicious, captain." It purred. "Nothing like those oogers, too sweaty for my taste."

"It'll be over soon," Ora drew her zanpakuto towards the side, where a whirlpool of lilac light engulfed the blade. The creature stood there, watching her every move with a venomous amusement.

"Your sword cannot touch me, girl." The creature said, "Is it made of venomous poison?" It laughed lowly, with cruelty in every word. "It's no match for my abilities."

"Melt, Sesshoumaru."

Ora withdrew her hand from the lilac void,  just as the creature dashed towards her with a insane speed. However, Ora dodged the attack effortlessly and hit the creature hard in the chest. With that strong impact, the monster was sent flying across the hill, where it hit a couple of trees before collapsing on the ground. It coughed blood as it got up and looked at Ora with fury. 

"How dare you touch me with those filthy hands!?" It roared as it dashed once again towards Ora. "You'll die screaming for mercy!"

"Puh-lease," Ora rolled her eyes. "You're not even able to get to me, less kill me." 

My lady, let me end this farce.

As you wish, Sesshoumaru.

The blade vanished into thin air and, in a matter of seconds, the creature lied lifeless on the ground, eyes darting in pure horror towards Ora. 

Shuhei, who got conscious in the mean time perhaps, appeared moments after with the third in command behind him. They stood there as Ora gathered the remains of the creature and burnt it. The horrified expression of the Hollow sent shivers down their spine, even though they didn't see clearly what just had happened. Their captain was not someone who should be messed with, that's more than assured.

"Captain..." Shuhei started, voice failing, "what should we do to the members of the squad?"

"Take them to the quarters, we'll question them and get to the bottom of this." She plainly said as she stared at the flames.


The other captains knew about the incident in the following morning. All the leaders were gathered in the hall as Ora approached the center. She noticed Byakuya looking at her, yet she paid no time to it, not when she stood in front of her grandfather.

"Tell me Captain Kuchiki," Yamamoto said, "How did this incident happen?" 

"I gathered the information from the soul reapers of my squad." She started, "The journal was created by them in order to get the squad to dislike me. When they noticed it wouldn't resolve in my demission, they released one of the hollows kept for research at Squad Twelve in exchange of my death." 

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