I so am

Are not

"Hey Iz, what's up?" Magnus asked, sauntering into the kitchen.

"I need someone to try these muffins to see if they're any good. I would ask Alec but he went to the shop to get stuff to decorate them."

"I'll try one"

"Really? Thank you thank you thank you"
Alec's Pov (continued)
I did not train him for this.

"IZ, IM BACK ILL TRY ONE" I yelled running into the kitchen blocking Magnus from reaching the muffins.

"Alexander, I don't mind. In fact I'd love to try one."

He grabs one before I can stop him and shoves it in his mouth.

"These are great Iz, how about you go get changed and I'll help Alec ice them?"

"That would be great, thanks you guys"

Once she was upstairs I grabbed Magnus pulling him towards me.
"Are you okay?are you feeling fine? Any dizziness? Tummy aches? I'll drive you to the hospital just to be on the safe side. Sometimes side effects are delayed. I'll go get the thermometer. Do you feel hot? I ca..."

"Alexander, I'm perfectly healthy now calm down"
He's smiling, fuck he looks so good when he smiles and his hair has glitter in it just like when we first met.
My glitter boy.

"Alec, are you okay? You're zoning out on me"

"I love you, Magnus Bane"

"I love you, Alexander lightwood"

"I have a surprise for you, follow me"

I led him out to the greenhouse.

"Alec, what's going on?"

Just then the snow started. Not real snow.

"I was going to wait till Christmas when it actually snows but I couldn't wait that long so I pulled a few strings and got fake snow that looks realistic"

When I looked over at Magnus I saw the tears forming in his eyes.

"Shit, you hate it don't you if course you do you deserve real snow not thi..."

"Alexander, it's beautiful, amazingly beautiful. What did I do to get a surprise this amazing?"

"I want to ask you something"
Deep breaths, you got this.

"Magnus, I love you so much. You have completely changed my life for the better ever since that day I saw you fall in the snow and the little bits of snow made you look all glittery and angelic. You love izzy, Jace and max almost as much as I do. You've always been there for me and I want to always be there for you.
Magnus Bane, will you marry me?"

By the end of my speech Magnus was crying and smiling down at me.

"Yesyesyesyesyes, I love you so much, yesyesyesyes.
Izzy's Pov
(Outfit above)
Fuck it took ages to find the right outfit.
I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard but I don't want to look like a slob either.

I should go downstairs and help get the place ready for tonight. I wish I knew what the special announcement was.

Just as reached the kitchen I heard the doorbell ring and mom talking to someone.

Shit, they're here. I walked into the kitchen stopping in my tracks once I saw Clary.

I'm so gay

Play it cool relax

"Hey Clary, you look great"
Way to be subtle Isabelle

"Hey Iz" Clary said going in for a hug.


"Isabelle, come set the table. Max decorated the muffins I hope you don't mind"

"Will do"

(15 minutes later)

"Okay since everyone's here now me and Luke would like to make an announcement, as you all know we've been together for a year now and well we're pregnant"

Holy shit, my mom is pregnant

"Magnus and I, have an announcement as well, we're engaged."

Magnus continues "and we've decided that I want Clary to be my maid of honour and Alec wants Izzy to be his best woman."


First of all I unpublished the prologue because I felt like it wasn't necessary and yes I ship luke and mayrse.


Also we finally have a plot
Basically Alec and Magnus are trying to make clizzy happen

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