22|Olivia's Plea And The Dungeon

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I need your help and advice on something close to my heart. Please find me at the queen's Garden an hour from now
Lady S.

She took the note and handed it to Kai
"Find Lord Marius and give this to him"
The girl nodded, took the note, hid it in her bosom and took off.

With Kai out of the way, she faced the rest of her maids.
"What are your names? "

They each stepped out to give a name. Rachel, Anice, Rae and Maurine.
Taylor immediately recognized the demure look of the last girl, she had also attended to her on her wedding day. The quiet, sad one.

"Rachel, Rae and Anice, please go prepare me a decent meal, nothing fancy, something light but can feed two people"

"Yes my lady" they chorused with a courtsey. As soon as they departed she faced Maurine. Out of all her maids, she looked like one who could keep a secret better, for she hadly opened her mouth.

"I believe you know the way to the dungeons Maurine?"
Maurine's only show of suprise was a blink. She continued to stare at Taylor with eyes devoid of light

"Yes my lady" her voice was raspy and low.

"Get bread and water. We are visiting the dungeon now"

After a slight hesitation the girl courtsied and hurried away to do her bidding.

Five minutes later, maurine led Taylor down shadowy corridors in a shortcut that led to the underground holding also known as dungeon.
Maurine carried carefully a small oval copper tray that contained a loaf of buttered bread and a cup of water while Taylor followed quietly behind her.

They reached the end of a stone staircase that was barricaded with steel gates. Behind the gate stood a figure in all black.

When he saw them he straigtned, he looked displeased as he eyed both maid and mistress.

"What brings you to this dreary place my lady?" His gruff voice was hard and unwelcoming. He held no weapon and looked like he didn't need it

"I request to see my prize" Taylor elaborated carefully and regally. She had been practicing in her head.

"The fae is off limits till the council decides on her"

"I am her owner and have been granted the rights to see her by the king" Taylor lied through her teeth. At the skeptical look on the guards face she continued

"What? Would you like to go confirm from his chambers? I am sure he won't mind you doubting the words of the future Queen over such a trival matter. Go on"

The guard contemplated his option and grudgingly opened the well oiled gates.
When he eyed the tray containing food,

"I do not plan to poison my prize" she said stiffly, deliberately misunderstanding him.

He watched her closely as she and maurine stepped into the low celling enclosure. Taylor wondered if he was trying to see her lies written on her face as he continued to stare and follow them. He obviously wasn't going to give her the chance to jeopardize his watch by leaving her to her devices.

The dungeon didn't fulfill her imagination of prison cells, concrete slabs and torturing equipments. The dungeon was a maze of closed doors that revealed nothing behind them.

He led them through a quiet passage lighted with flame torches and abruptly stopped at an iron door. The walls were stained black with fire scars, the air was frigid and heavy. Obviously, the cell was the worst they had.

He unlocked the chained door and pushed it open to reveal a bare room of concrete floor and walls.
Olanda was sitting at the far end with her arms over her legs. Startled at the sudden disruption, she flew to her feet and gaped at her visitors.
She had been crying.

Taylor nodded to maurine who promptly set the tray before the frightened fae.

Mildrey, there is a note in the bread. Tell olanda to be strong

Taylor didn't know if her effort paid off, if the faerie she couldn't see could pick up the thoughts she tried to pass across but she did try.

Taylor didn't move from her position by the door

"No harm comes to her till her fate is decided. If so much as a scratch is found on her, you will have the king and the crown prince's wrath to face"

"I won't touch that vermin with a foot long pole" the guard spat, eyeing the trembling fae with disgust.

"Good. Now that I see the charge over my prize is being followed, I'll leave you to your guard"

The guard was happy to lead them back to where they came from, their feet were hardly out of the gates before he slammed them shut.
He stood at attention at his post, his thoughts damning foolish mortal women and their whims.

Behind the cell door, Olanda pulled out a thin note soiled with butter from between the bread.

I'll get you out of there soon, be of good cheer, your sister can't wait to see you

The ball of light pulsated beside her
"Of course I never doubted her. If she is whom you say she is mildrey, this is only just the begining"

Olanda whispered to her faerie then tore hungrily into the still warm bread.


Three chapters in a night as a token of my appreciation to you. And also a bribe, I hate keeping my readers in limbo but life has been playing pranks on Me lately. I still plan on finishing this story before the year runs out....so help me God!

Thanks a lot for sticking to this book, you'll hear from Ardelean soon

Don't forget to coment, vote and share!!! That way I'll feel more appreciated as a writer.

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