21| The Outburst and A Garden

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“Is it because you're a vampire that you're that clueless?!” Taylor yelled at him, totally out of character that anghel blanched and took an unsteady step back. Taylor wasn’t done now that she was riled up

“Despite all my better judgement and your shitty attitude, for some stupid reason I have feelings for you and let me tell you right now, despite this feelings, I hate you Anghel Illiescu of Ardelean. I wish you never showed up at my window every year, I rue the days I stayed up late on my birthday nights waiting for you to show up, and I especially rue the day I agreed to marry you. I hate you” She punctuated her last declaration with a jab of her index finger at his ridgid chest. With a last scornful glare, she ran away from his presence.

Emese found her sobbing by the fountain. She continued to cry as Emese engulfed her in a motherly hug
“I feel so stupid Emese” Taylor brawled on the woman’s shoulder
“shh shh child"  soothed emese as she stroked her hair gently
“I told him I liked him”
“you told everyone within earshot taylor” emese jested lightly
Taylor jerked up and looked up at emese, question in her eyes. Emese had addressed her by her real name and not the one of her twin.

“Anghel told me long ago what happened. You are a brave child”

“I.. am sorry for deceiving you emese”
“What you did was no crime Taylor, it was honourable, you're a first daughter too.  I was only waiting for you to acknowledge it first”
Taylor sobbed again as she held onto Emese
“loving your husband is not the stupidest thing you can do, infact it’s the luckiest thing to happen to both of you"

“He doesn’t like me back. He Likes my twin!”

“Did he tell you that?’ Emese asked with a knowing smile

“No but…”

“Sometimes, we feel we know everything, take it from a woman nearing a thousand years, we are almost always wrong about our conclusions.”

“I know this one Emese. When he thought I was Samantha he treated me nice but the minute he found out I wasn’t he has been mean towards me. We do nothing but fight most times. He never misses a chance to remind me he chose Samantha but got me instead. Maybe I should forfeit and let him be with the one he really likes”

“You will do no such thing” the new voice startled Taylor. Anghel was standing directly behind her.

Taylor refused to look at him
“Come Taylor, I have something to show you” he revealed stretching his hands  out to her.
She looked at Emese who gave her an encouraging smile and bent to whisper into her ears
“you don’t know everything”
She then stood up, bowed to Anghel and left the duo to their privacy.

“I look like a mess “ Taylor grumbled  still not looking at him
Anghel took her hand and drew her up, in the silence that ensued he watched her face till taylor started to nervously pat her face as if in search of a mole.

He took that hand in his grasp too
“If you haven’t notice taylor, I am cluless when it comes to handling you. I am sorry I made you cry. Truly sorry”

Taylor risked meeting his gaze, the softness of it quickened her heartbeat and made her bowel tighten.

“OK” was the only reply she could come up with.

“Please Come with me”

He led her through the north wing whose door led to a path not far from the stables.
His dark magnificent horse had been groomed and waiting for him
He helped her on to the saddle, and in a  swish he was sitting behind her.

“Where are we going?” Taylor asked
“you’ll see” he breathed encircling her in his arms as he held on to the reins.  Then they were galloping down an uneven road untill they broke out on the second most breathtaking scenery Taylor had seen in Ardelean .
A path that led to the most colorful and beautiful garden that could grace the eyes.

It was obvious the gardner had gone through great lengths to keep the flowers groomed and fresh

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It was obvious the gardner had gone through great lengths to keep the flowers groomed and fresh. The way the rainbow colored array swayed in the gentle breeze made them look almost surreal

Anghel helped her down and tied his hore to the outpost
“It's beautiful here” taylor breathed as she bent to sniff at a rose
“My mother used to spend most of her days here, she loved and cared for every flower you see here like a child”

Taylor sensed this place was of great sentimental value to anghel.
She followed him quietly as he followed a well worn path, it led to a spring where a clear stream flowed and right beside the stream was a grave. She didn’t have to ask to know whose it was.
The marker read ;Wife, mother, Queen in Saber . Edged atop the marker was a stunning gem spotted marble potrait of the smiling queen.
Indeed, she was a vision to behold, as beautiful as she was said to be.
Queen Celine
A mcleory
Angel tore her from her reverie
“she loved this place so much we couldn’t burry her elsewhere.” Anghel voice was low and husky.

“I heard she was a great queen”

“Oh yes, that she was. The most loving being I ever knew. She knew having another child would have killed her but because I asked for a little brother to play with, she made sure to get pregnant. She didn’t survive through her second pregnancy”

“Oh” she didn’t know what to say to ease the grief that spread through his face. She just took his hand and squeezed.

“She hid the truth of her pregnancy, made sure my father never knew it was a baby that made her wither away for fear he would have it removed. For four months she suffered until it was too late, That was my mother, she feared not even her life if it meant she could give me a brother and my father another son. At the end I lost them, my mother and a brother, taken from me by a devious fae who we thought could help.” He then turned to look at taylor, his anguish clear and pungent that taylor’s eyes moistened in sympathy
“why did I choose from your family you asked? My father. The vampire king who became a mortal to save his wife even when he knew how risky it was. The man who shut out everyone, even his son for a whole year in grief. How could I not choose a Mcleory again if it would return my father to me?

I was 14 when I choose your family, when I first saw you.”
He trailed away then looked at her, his eyes reflecting thoughts kept hidden

“You were so small, so trusting, so innocent. You wanted to melt into the background but still I couldn't stop watching.
I remember you wanted to feed me…like a stray chupix. Do you want to know why I came back each year?"
He didn't wait for a response

"To convince myself to pick the other one, the strong one, the one who looked like she could survive ardelean, the one that didn’t remind me of my mother."

"History will repeat itself Taylor, that was why I didn't choose you even when I wanted to.  Your feelings for me will destroy us both" He grabbed her hands and placed it on his chest, the Nosferatu way of a solemn promise
   "I swear to you Taylor, I won't let it happen"

His Other One حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن