when heart didn't give a answer

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Kit pov

that all .. bullshit.. i did not know how to react with the all question . i didn't know it was  ming think all the time.. hate? it far from hate ming.. it heart broken.. it not ming fault at all . he did not even know my real feeling toward him.  i the one who ran away to accept that ming had a girlfriend . that was not a new thing. ming always change girl every week and i cannot understand why the last girlfriend make me take a decision to go away from ming. 

at the party hanna house

"you look beautiful p hanna" wayo say .

"the dress is beautiful not me yo.." the dress is white one and many ribbon with red color. 

"you are so humble p..owhh... p.. this is my friends .. that one is phana and this is ming.. they are close with pkit too.. " they are shake hand one by one..

"ow yeah? glad to know you nongs.. pkit had handsome friends and a cutie little brother.. lucky he.. "

"you are beautiful to p hanna.. but when say you name it like my name... hanna.. phana.. right.."

"are you flirt right now pha? " wayo

"hahhaha... im not.."

"ouhhh p.... im the cute not handsome one? think it back p... pkit is cute not me.."

"what are talking about wayo????.." i join them after meet hanna's parents.

"it nothing pkit.. just little chit chat..."

"you need to sit down hanna.. you will get tired if move around like this.." i ask hanna while glance to her.

"it okay p.. it good for baby right.."

"yes but not good if it too much ... let go inside.."

"okay... btw pkit .. you are handsome tonight.. nice suit.."

"yeah.. mom prepare it for me.. had you eat yet?.." i wear black and red combination.

"nooo... i wait for eat together with you.."

"what did you want? there many food .."

"just pick it.. it all my craving food for tonight ma just order it for us.."

"it too much .. did baby want it or you ?"

"it baby pkit.. im innocent.. " hanna just give small smile.

"yeah sure.. go inside first.. im will go there with food" little laugh.

"sure... enjoy your food nongs.. "

"sure p.." phana.

while take a some food for hanna i did not realize that ming beside me.

"pkit... tell me .. it just a fake one right..." ming ask me.

"what did you mean ming.. which part is fake.."

"all... your wife and that baby.. it fake right.. tell me the true.. i did not accept it.."

"watch out your word ming... she is my wife and that child is my baby.. keep that fact in your mind.. "

"but pkit..."

"no but anymore ming.. give your respect to my family.. this is my celebration and this place is my family in law..think it before you take any conclusion... if you feel uncomfortable just left.. i beg to you .. stop all the nonsense .. ""

ming pov

"did you just ask me to go pkit?" i ask him.. are he serious right now.


"it okay.. i take my left now.. sorry if i make you upset.. but i serious with my word.. i trust it all fake.. i go now.."

i just want to leave right now. i did not believe that pkit will react like that.. his words make me  bleeding.. 

"ming.. you want leave right now.. we didn't hear kit and hanna speech yet.. it still early.." auntie marla say when see me want to left.

"im sorry auntie but i just remember that i had another appointment with my friend .." i lie

"okay ..take care just come home when you free.."

i take last look to pkit.. he is eating with his wife at living room and i had to that to reach the front door..

"owhh... nong ming.. where are going ? did you want to leave.. it still early" hanna ask.

"yeah p.. i need to back right now.. i had something else to do.."

"owh... it so early.. pkit.. can you take the gift at the table.. it for guests ... " 

pkit just move at the table the one full with gift .

"that one.. okay pkit  cangive to ming.. i hope you like it ming.. it just simple one.."

"thanks p hanna .. did you mind if pkit send off me to my car?"

s"ure.. just go pkit.. "

"what did you want?" pkit say while walk in front of me

"pkit... im soryy... tplease i beg to you.. stop treat me like this.. your word hurt me.. your action make me bleeding ... i need my pkit.. the one who love me who am i.. who always there for me.." i can say im hopeless right now.

"it was a past ming... i not your sweet p anymore.. your word are rude and it out of your business if i married or what.. just behave next time... go home and rest.. good night."

"i hope nothing change p.. even your feeling for me.."

"stop think about my feeling ming... "

and pkit just go inside ignore me ......

stop think about his feeling but deep in my heart i just want only myself for pkit.

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