Chapter Ten - 2015

Start from the beginning

Jade crossed her arms, "I'm at least trying to make an effort here. It would be nice if you could at least meet me in the middle."

Perrie couldn't help but roll her eyes at Jade's indignation, "Excuse me for being head over heels in love with you and having trouble hiding it. Maybe I should focus on making that feeling go away, if you're so worried about us getting caught."

They had bickered here and there over the past months, but this may have been one of their first fights. It was quite unfortunate that it was happening in a fast food restaurant washroom.

"Oh, now you're just being petty. You can be such a baby sometimes, do you know that?"

Perrie scoffed and lifted her hand, "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you right now. You're trying to aggravate me and I won't fall for it."

And with that, she stormed out of the bathroom, leaving Jade alone with her thoughts and actions.

As Perrie approached Jesy and Leigh-Anne she tried to put on a happy front and pretend she hadn't just had her first fight with Jade. A fight that was unresolved, at that.

"So where's Jade? Her burger is getting cold," asked Leigh-Anne, in between sips of her vanilla shake.

Just then the bathroom door opened and Jade calmly walked out, face neutral.

"It's about time woman, we're nearly finished over here!"

Jade smiled at Jesy and then fake scolded, "You better not have touched any of my fries!"

"I wouldn't dream of it, Poopey. But I had to nearly wrestle Leigh to the ground to stop her from stealing them!" Jesy smirked.

"Hey, not true! I just had one," Leigh-Anne defended herself.

Jade sat down next to Leigh-Anne and across from Perrie, who was silently working on her own burger and fries and avoiding eye contact with the brunette.

Jesy, as astute as ever, did not let the heavy air between the two Geordies go unnoticed. She had been keeping an eye on Jade and Perrie ever since their America trip. There was something going on. She didn't know what, but it was an odd dynamic between the two that she was curious about. She decided to try a little experiment. Call her Scientist Jesy: the lab was open!

"Do you know what would make the rest of this day more entertaining?" She asked the group as they ate.

"What?" Leigh-Anne asked, excited.

"Perrie, we know you'll be getting more questions about the Zayn break-up for the rest of the day, so wouldn't it be funny if you said you and Jade were dating? Since "Jerrie" is kinda a thing with our fans at the moment and you're both single."

There. That was all Jesy wanted to do. Drop the bomb, then sit back and watch what happened.

Perrie looked up at Jade quickly, a panic in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Leigh-Anne.

"Ah! That would be hilarious! You should do it Pez!"

Jade quickly cut it, "Do you think they would take it seriously though? I would hate for a news outlet to mistake it as breaking news and run a story that management has to kill." The last thing she wanted at the moment was for any attention to be drawn to herself and Perrie, regardless of whether or not they were 'joking'.

"It will be obvious that it's a joke! No one will take it seriously. And it will be a perfect way to keep the interview light and fun and distract from the Zayn questions," replied Leigh-Anne.

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