Chapter Two~David

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Love sought, is good: but given unsought, is better~William Shakespeare•

"Until something happens to you, you will never understand it," is what her father used to say but Mia had never considered the truth of it until now. She'd always rolled her eyes when reading about novel heroines getting a case of the butterflies, feeling weak-kneed. Hogwash, she thought.

Un. Till. Now.

There was complete silence in the illuminated studio as time froze for a second. It had taken a minute but she recognized him. David.

The glass of juice he'd been holding slid from his grasp and shattered on the marble floor. The silence erupted.

"David! What's the matter with you?" Mary was saying.

Why was he looking at her like he'd seen a ghost? He stood up slowly, eyes fixated on her. Mia felt faint.

"No one move. I'll get a broom," he said, voice subdued.

Mary looked between the two of them, eyes sharp. "Am I missing something?" she asked when David left the room. Mia lowered herself into the nearest chair, afraid her legs wouldn't be able to hold her up.

David. Oh God, David. She shut her eyes, heart roaring in her ears. What kind of cruel trick was this?

Someone forced her chin up. "When I ask you a question, I expect an answer," Mary snapped. What was wrong with the girl?

"I'm sorry, ma'am. What did you say?"

Mary straightened, her overbright smile back in place. "I was saying, what's the matter?" She raised a penciled brow. "Do you have a problem with the photographer?"

"Photographer?" she said faintly. "Did you say that man...he's the photographer?"

"Why, yes. David Wilson. Have you never heard of him?"

She closed her eyes and shook her head. No, she hadn't. She knew David Wilson, the gentle, ofttimes impish boy. Not David Wilson, the photographer.

"Well, he's new in the industry but very good. And easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean. My girls become doubly efficient when they clap eyes on him." She gave a low laugh. "And you will too, from the look of things."

Mia said nothing. Let her think what she wanted. David returned with a broom and dustpan. He crouched and began sweeping up the pieces. His hands were shaking. She looked down at his head and felt her heart breaking all over again.

Oh Father God, of all the photographers in this whole wide world, why did it have to be him? Please let Mary change her mind. Let the ground open up and swallow me. Anything. Just please get me out of here.

He looked up at her. And her stomach gave a clumsy flop and landed at her feet.

"Now, David. I want you to meet my newest girl. Beautiful, isn't she? You wouldn't believe where I found her." She gave a feline smile. "In some quaint tailoring shop where she makes her little sketches come to life." Mary gave her a slow once-over, the glint in her eyes showing how pleased she was. "Now I can get rid of that proud little hussy and tell her I've found something much better."

Mia inhaled sharply. Something. She'd thought those days were over. She thought she'd become more than just a face. She caught David's eye and found sympathy glistening there. He'd been the only one that understood.

"David. David! Are you even listening to me?"


"I want you to take some head shots today so I can study them and know what we're working with."

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