20|The Request And An Interrogation

Start from the beginning

He dismounted and walked straight to the Fae with his dagger in hand. She stepped back in fear when he came close. He ignored her tremblings and grabbed her bound hands. Her hands were very pale and calloused.
He cut loose the twine and with a curse only him could hear he dragged her near the horse and carried her bodily to seat behind a stunned Taylor.

Although his annoyance was tangible enough to be touched, he didn't say a word as he plucked the reins from Taylor's hands and led the horse carrying his wife and the much hated Fae girl down the  forest path leading to the castle

Taylor chewed her lips not daring to speak a word to her visibly annoyed husband . She continued to steal glances at him though, with mixed emotions running through her mind

Thank you

Taylor stood up straight when the foreign voice filtered through her head. She looked behind her and met Olanda's moist eyes, she gave her a grateful smile and patted her robe. Taylor caught a glimpse of a faint white light throbbing through the thick fold of the robe where she had sneaked in Mildrey.

Do not thank me yet Olanda, I might be leading you to a certain death was Taylor's dreary thought as the Castle's silhouette  broke into view

True to Anghel's predictions,  news had reached the castle of the Fae that had been caught by Anghel's wife. And Taylor could almost feel the speculating tension as the horse trotted closer to the gathering of impatient vampire at the stables

Anghel brought the horse to a stand and helped Taylor dismount.
He pulled the shivering Fae down too to stand behind Taylor. Then balantly Ignoring everyone who was staring at him like he had grown horns, groomed his stallion

The stunned silence was broken by the king

"Well! It is true then. What would you like oh fair and mighty Lady as a prize?" the king's cheerful and slightly teasing  grin was infectious

Taylor smiled as she  curtsied in greeting.

"If you'll permit My Lord. I do not want Land or possession but I do have a request"

"Whatever it is child, consider it done. King sziliard never goes back on his promise"

"I want to have sole rights in choosing my own maids....that's all I ask my lord" Taylor asked, her head shyly bent

"Are you sure that's all you want? You can have anything  you want right now...." king sziliard prompted, unable to see the wisdom in her words.

"Yes my lord" Taylor affirmed meekly. The king raised a contemplating eyebrow and all but shrugged, feeling a tad bit  disappointed.

"Done, You alone will choose your maids"
She couldn't hide her triumphant grin as she turned to look at Olanda.
Then all eyes fell on Olanda.

"What do we do with the scum she brought to the castle?" Once agin, irina was the voice of the vampires.

"Kill her most likey. She is of no use to us, just vermin and thorn to our flesh" Marius stated,  his disdain clear in his face.

Taylor heard Olanda whimper behind her.
She took a step forward but Anghel blocked her way, his eyes stern.
His message was clear:
Do not interfere.
Taylor's eyes widened in distress  as three vampires moved there way, their muderous intent clear in their glinting midnight eyes

"She is the lady's prize. She would decide the fate of the Fae." Anghel firm voice halted the ominous advance and spread a stunned silence.

"Take her to the holding till her fate is decided, I believe  we have much  graver topic to discuss" the king interceded wisely before the tension reached a crescendo.

The king dismissed everyone except for his advicer, Taylor, Irina, Emese, Anghel, Marcus, and lord darius. 
Olanda was taken away by two guards while the rest moved to the courtroom to discuss graver matters

Anghel wasted no time
"my wife has disproved the assain as not consistent with the one she saw with my father"

"Did mistress irina catch his accomplice perhaps?" the advicer suggested, anxious not to offend.

"As far as my experience and knowledge goes, I caught the assassin, the signs are too obvious to disprove. I ask the court to be wise and prudent in its ruling" Irina appealed

"lady Samantha, are you absolutely sure of what you have claimed, think deeply for your answer is important if accurate" the advicer  continued his interrogation.

Taylor stepped forward and stood tall

"I might not remember much from that day but I'll never forget the way the man's presence filled the room nor his strength as he jumped down the window. I did not see his face but I can say confidently he was a lot larger than the fae that was killed"

The court turned silent.

She caught Anghel's intense gaze and held it,

"Could it be that you were mistaken irina?" The king asked Irina wearily,

"I do not doubt lady Samantha's judgement but what can explain me finding a fae hiding in the woods that night?"

"I still believe he might be an accomplice" The advicer rulled.

"which means the assassin is at large" Emese concluded solemnly

"The black guard has been scouting and no report of fae sighting. I'll double the guard and security. He wont be able to get a foot near the castle" head of black guard swore

"We should put an end to this menace your majesty, I suggest we wipe them out and chase them away from ardelean completely" Lord Darius spoke

As mummurs started Taylor surprised even herself as she stood forward

"what if they aren't responsible?"

"what do you mean?" The king demanded. 

“I am just saying the assain should be caught first and be sure if they are indeed from faeland.” Taylor looked at the king earnestly 

“why do you defend those vermins lady Samantha?” irina asked speculatively
"Perhaps there's something you wish to say?" She continued, though her voice was cool and calm, her eyes glinted unnaturally

“I do not defend anyone, all i am suggesting is that you might just be wrong about them”
This time, there was no tremor in her voice nor did she feel intimidated, because she had never been sure about anything more than this one.

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