The Waverly Hills Sanatorium

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The Waverly Hills Sanatorium purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883 as the Hays' Family Home. It is located in Southwestern Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.

 It is located in Southwestern Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky

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Since the new home was far away from any existing schools, Mr. Hays decided to open a local school for his daughters to attend. He started a one-room schoolhouse on pages lane and hired Lizzie Lee Harris as the teacher. Due to Miss Harris fondness for Walter Scott's Waverley novels, she named the schoolhouse Waverley School. Major Hays liked the peaceful sounding name, so he named his property Waverley Hill.

The Hay's family home become a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. In the early 1900s, Jefferson County was ravaged by an outbreak of tuberculosis. The Board of Tuberculosis Hospital kept the name when they bought the land and opened the sanatorium.

There were many tuberculosis cases in Louisville at the time because of all the wetlands along the Ohio River, which were perfect for the tuberculosis bacteria. To try to contain the disease, a two-story wooden sanatorium was opened which consisted of an administrative/main building and two open-air pavilions, each housing 20 patients for the treatment of "early cases."

In 1910, when the hospital was established, this meant a place where between 8,000 and 63,000 people died bloody, excruciating deaths as there would be no real cure for tuberculosis until Streptomycin was invented in 1943

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In 1910, when the hospital was established, this meant a place where between 8,000 and 63,000 people died bloody, excruciating deaths as there would be no real cure for tuberculosis until Streptomycin was invented in 1943. Waverly Hills was also the site of at least two suicides, which strangely enough took place in the same room.

 Waverly Hills was also the site of at least two suicides, which strangely enough took place in the same room

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