Nine: The Conclusion

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Over dinner, we discovered that Carson had been recruited forcefully, since he was over the age of 17. He’d left his young daughter with his wife, Jessica, knowing that she’d protect her with everything she had. All evening Mary-Anne refused to let go of Carson’s hand, but he was happy with that. At dusk, though, I took him aside to explain about Evelyn and her mother’s ghost.

‘Jessica... she’s dead?’ he stuttered, his eyes desperately searching mine for any traces of a lie.

‘I’m sorry...’

‘G-Ghosts don’t exist; they aren’t real.’ he objected.

I looked outside at the stars. ‘Now’s the time to find out.’ I said.

I knew my way to the manor quite well now, and I found that I wasn’t feeling apprehensive anymore – it felt like visiting an old friend, or a little sister. I wasn’t speed walking in panic that we were going to get spotted; I actually found myself excited. I was excited to re-unite Evelyn Florence and her father.

I scraped open the gates and ran along the path that led to the charred house. 
‘Oh Lord... what on Earth happened?’ Carson asked, staring up at the hole in the wall.

‘You tell me...’ I muttered.

Carson followed me up the stairs, all the while looking fairly disturbed by the appearance of the house. We eventually reached the hallway that was home to Evelyn’s bedroom.

‘Evelyn... it’s me again, can I come in?’ I called.

‘Is the boy with you?’ asked Evelyn from behind the old door.

I noticed Carson smiling widely at the sound of her cute little voice.

‘No, but I’ve got someone else with me...’ I twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door, sliding out of the way so that she could get a clear view of her father.

For a second she just stared, unblinking. Her jaw dropped, but quickly turned to a huge grin.

‘Father!’ she cried, leaping across the room and jumping at Carson.

He caught her in his arms, just like a prince would – like every small girl loves to be treated, She cried into his chest, babbling uncontrollably about how much she loved him. I had to bite my lip from crying out a noise that resembled a massive AWWWW! It was only then that I finally saw the Evelyn Florence’s mother... the poltergeist.

She was see-through, of course, but her outline was a pretty pale blue, glowing a little, and so were her nails, lips and eyes. Where she moved she left a trail of blurred air, like heat rising from a tarmac road on a scorching day. I gaped at her – she may have been a ghost, nevertheless she was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. She floated over to Carson, her glowing rag-dress fluttering in her wake, then her soft lips curled into a kind smile as sparkling tears fell down her cheeks, leaving their mark on the floor. She held her arms around Carson, encircling little Evelyn, for one last cuddle. Carson welled up too, but it wasn’t in fear of the ghost that was holding him, it was the sight of the woman he adored, dead. Evelyn’s mother then thumped Carson on the arm. I panicked, thinking it was malicious, but then I heard Jessica speak for the first time, and it was simply the most benign and loving voice.

‘Haha, that’s what you get for leaving.’

Her lips stayed shut, but then again I guess anything’s possible when you’re a ghost. Jessica flew slowly over to me.

‘Thank you, young adventurer. Thanks to you, I can finally rest soundly, knowing that my Evelyn is safe.’

I nodded gently, smiling sadly.

‘My darling Jessie, not only is she safe – she is our treasure, and I will protect her with my life and nothing less.’ Carson said.

‘Just as I did...’ smiled Jessica. Then she slipped away into the sparkling teardrops that had stayed on the floorboards. For a minute the ground glowed, but afterwards everything went back to normal. The eerie feeling inside the room had been evaporated.

And that was the last we ever saw of Jessica’s ghost.

Evelyn was carried by her father all the way out of Amberton and back to the place I had come to call Home. She was beaming, holding her father’s hand, reunited. The sun came up, so Rosalie began taking care of breakfast. The only person not in the cottage was Axel, but Rosalie told me she didn’t know where he was. We shrugged it off, knowing he’d be back soon. Over breakfast, Carson explained that this county was now fairly safe – the early bombings were just a warning to the rest of the country. I felt very relieved that tiny Evelyn would be safe here, and I was quite happily nibbling on my breakfast, but that was when I realised that I had done my task, and now was my time to go home.

‘I’m going to miss being a human...’ Reo sighed, a frown on his face.

‘No worries – you were cuter as a cat.’

I got a thump on the arm; apparently now was no time to be cracking jokes. Axel came into the bathroom to bid his goodbye, but he was wearing an army uniform.

‘You can’t join the army – you’ve got to come with us! England’s not safe right now!’ I cried, feeling my eyes water but not caring in the slightest. ‘Y-You’ll die...’

‘It ist vere ve belong, Avery.’ Rosalie said.

‘I can’t go without you.’ I whispered, watching the brave boy.

‘Ve are happy here. I’ve alvays vanted to be more zan a pickpocket. I vant to do somezing good, somezing people vill remember me by.’ Axel said, smiling slightly as he ran his finger over his army badge.

‘You can’t join the army though, you’re too young.’ I objected. ‘It’s 17 plus!’

‘Ze army needs anybody zey can get. Zey vere impressed vith my agility. I’m stepping in for Carson – so he can stay home and look after Evelyn.’ Axel explained. I gazed desperately into Evelyn’s bright eyes, but she smiled. ‘You kept your promise, and I am happy now. I must burden you no longer.’

I knew nothing I said would change anybody’s minds, so I hugged each one of them, making my final contact with them last as long as I could.

At last, I pulled up the floorboard and turned around to see my friends disappear. They all mouthed the words, ‘Thank you.' My final sight from 1939 was Axel giving me a meaningful salute, before I was engulfed by blinding light.

And I would never see them again...

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