Player with a capital P

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Dedicated to rookie101, she made an AMAZING cover! thanks :)

Chapter 1:

Amelia's POV

We all sat down in one row, seven chairs and kept our head down. Even though I wasn’t looking up, I could hear the sobs coming from my mom. Being with her all my life, and then leaving her all of a sudden, had to hurt. But both of us expected it, and so did all these other 18 year old girls who were seated the same way I was.

Two commanders stood in front of us, they were clothed in fancy beige coloured shirts and skirts, with fancy hats placed on their head. They looked like royal people from England, and acted like ones too.

Back in 1950, four women came together and created a secret organization called The Heartbreakers. And we called these four women The Mistresses, and what we all did was betray, betray men and weaken their skills of trapping women into their little traps.

These four women were betrayed and cheated by men, and they decided to get revenge. Every woman here had daughters, which would be sent to different countries once they were eighteen, and complete a mission; Break a guy’s heart, and we had a total one year to do that. And if they had sons, the boys would be sent to adoption centres.

So here I was, sitting here, being the fifth chair to be sent.

The first chair was lifted into the air by one of the commanders, the head Mistress; Cordelia. Her hands were slowly moving, as in slow motion. I looked up at the chair, the girl had red fire hair, and an innocent face, she looked like she was enjoying being up there.

            “France.” Cordelia said in a soft, yet powerful voice, and the chair disappeared.

I gulped, closing my eyes tight. And I didn’t open them until my name was called.

            “Amelia.” The head mistress said with a smile.


I walked down the streets of London, the fresh air hitting my face, and my hair was flying all over the place.

I felt a nudge in my chest, where my heart was. Believe it or not, I had a chip engraved into my heart that helped me contact The Heartbreakers. They were sending out a message.

            “First thing you have to do is find the guy.”

            “And exactly how am I supposed to do that?”

            “That’s up to you.”

And the line was cut. I sighed, feeling a little angry and rejected. But I had to get used to it, it’s what they did, told you what to do, but not how to do it. But it’s not like I didn’t know what to do, I was smarter than all the girls who were assigned the mission, and I would probably be the most successful.

So, now all I needed to do was to find a guy. A guy who was a total 100% player with a capital P.


I stayed silent, taking in the sight of London. No wonder they called it one of the most beautiful cities in the world, it was breathtaking. My heels made noises as I walked down the sidewalk, looking at the petite shops on my right.

It was peaceful until I came to a stop, where all these teenage girls were screaming. I tried to get pass them, but failed. It was too crowded. Huffing, I decided to check out what the commotion was about.

As I got closer, I saw a mop of chestnut brown hair, scraped the right of his forehead with a beanie on top. He was gorgeous, utterly gorgeous. But it seemed like he was really big around here, maybe he was a celebrity.

            “Oh my god, Aaron Carter!” Thousands of girls screamed.

I walked up to a random girl who was screaming his name. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I tapped her shoulder and she stopped screaming, looking at me.

            “Excuse me, uh, would you mind telling me who that is?” I asked softly, pointing at Aaron.

            “You don’t know who that is?!” She exclaimed, her eyes going wide, “That’s Aaron Carter! He’s Hollywood’s golden boy, he’s an actor.”

Aaron pushed past the girls, wearing a smirk. My concern was quickly replaced by happiness. I knew that kind of smirk.

He was a player with a capital P.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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