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     Eli had commanded that Cecelia stayed in the Wolf's Den for the next few days. Jacob was still hunting her, perhaps on the orders of The Father or maybe The Father wanted her alive since Cecelia wasn't in Holland Valley like they had expected.

Tammy had volunteered to take Cecelia on a supply run, since the girl felt like she was going mad from being in the bunker for too long. However, she was hesitant to get in the pickup truck. It could crash -not again. Though Tammy reassured her she was a safe driver, it didn't demonstrate that she was telling the truth when she was actually driving.

"So how ya holdin' up?" Tammy asked, swinging the wheel to one side, causing the pickup truck to swing a corner.

Cecelia cursed under her breath, feeling unsettled by her driving.

"I don't know," Cecelia answered, through the unsettling driving skill Tammy portrayed.

"This motherfucking cult has affected everyone in this county," Tammy said, suggesting that Cecelia is sad about the cult killing her sister.

"I'm not even from here and the cult's still affected me," Cecelia stared at Tammy as she kept dangerously driving. "I was blind. I should've listened and not gone to try and save sister. Though they would have killed her anyway, But I was there to watch and if I wasn't there to watch I would have out the hard way. Hell, I wouldn't have murdered someone if I stayed in the Wolf's Den."

"You thought you were doin' the right thing. Can't blame yourself for that.," Tammy said.

Cecelia knew she was right but deep down, she had accepted it already. It was quick of her tp do so because she couldn't remember it. She couldn't remember killing a Whitetail -couldn't remember choking the life of them when she was livid.

Tammy turned another corner dangerously.


After a while of driving around the Whitetail Mountains. Tammy pulled the pickup over, slamming on the brakes. Cecelia nearly hurled forward and the unclipped her seat belt before stepping out of the car.

"We have to get those supplies from Dutch and load them onto the truck," Tammy instructed.

Cecelia had no clue who Dutch was. And at this point she only cared about loading the supplies onto the truck and making safely back to Wolf's Den to see Wheaty. She guessed that Wheaty must have felt sorry for her.

She thought of him as a friend but for all that he's done for her, it was than that. It was more than friends. She didn't know how to approach it though and she reckoned he didn't either. So they were both stuck.

Tammy broke Cecelia's train of thoughts. "Get those boxes and load 'em up onto the truck."

Cecelia did what she was told. She was outside of that forsaken bunker but it was too good to be true. No Peggies; no Judges; no Chosen; no Hunters. There was nothing -it was too quiet for the cult.

Tammy got a shotgun out of the truck as Cecelia picked up a heavy crate to load up onto the truck. She grabbed another and loaded onto the truck -Tammy did the same. Cecelia was going to load a third and did so without any disturbances.

The forest moved. It twitched like a predator was lurking in the trees and among the tall grass. Creeping and ready to pounce. Cecelia cocked her head towards the noise, squinting her eyes. The crate was safe in the truck and no longer in the reach of harm or the cult.

"What's wrong?" Tammy questioned, some metres away from the Cecelia.

Cecelia gazed at the forest. "Nothing, I thought I heard something in the trees."

Conditioned To Kill - Far Cry 5Where stories live. Discover now