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Part 3


           Cecelia's was suffering from Bliss withdrawal symptoms: her brain thumped against her as if it were locked in a cage, her eyes slowly adjusting to her bright surroundings and her limbs were aching like a compound fraction.

She had awoken uncomfortably on her back, peering upon an wooden roof over horizontal steel bars, imitating a cage. The planks of the wooden roof were misplaced and light was free to peer in to blind her sight and only letting Cecelia squint. She hovered her hand over her eyes and turned over, only to have the realisation of being contaminated in a prison cell -vertical bars kept her from escaping

Beyond the bars were more prison cells with people in them -scared and frightened people. Cecelia prayed her sister was one of them -unharmed- but in front of her cage was Jacob Seed.

She gulped in fear -he was almost twice the size of her in muscle and height. His hair was red, his eyes were blue and he wore an army jacket with the words J. Seed and U.S. Army printed on it.

He gestured his arms before he spoke, revealing the two-way radio, she'd been carrying in his hand. Cecelia was afraid and consumed with unwanted fear to go anywhere near that man but she felt a submissive urge to clenched the bars of the cage until they broke sweat. She stared at him, wide eyed and like a rabbit before death.

It was the same two-way radio that the Whitetails had given her, incase she needed help. They must have found it on her when they'd shot her down with the Bliss Bullets.

"I knew you would pass the trials. You're strong and now you have a sacrifice to complete,-" Cecelia was confused by his poisoned words. "-See, I doubted you at first. You're young; you ain't seen the real world yet because're just a child. I knew you'd come back home."

Cecelia spitefully glared at him. This was not her home.

"And I know why,-" Jacob began taunting her, "-Did you really think you could get her out on your own? You don't know how to fight and yet you thought it was a excellent idea to penetrate this area and get your sister. You're strong, but I never thought you were foolish and naive."

He held the two-way radio in his hand and crushed it until is sparked electricity from it. Cecelia dropped her jaw as she watched him do that and it frightened her more. He could crush a skull if he wanted to.

Cecelia continued to glare at him. Her eyes only fixed upon him and only him. She didn't know where else to look otherwise.

"That Militia call themselves soldiers,-" Jacob chuckled to himself, "-they'll come looking for you and it will be their downfall."

He was putting thoughts and scenarios in her mind -situations that would never occur if she was stupid enough not to listen. What Jacob was suggesting would be Cecelia's fault in the long run. She was selfish enough to go out of her way and not think of others, just to rescue her sibling.

"They won't come to save you. No one will. You asked for help and they didn't come to your aid," Was he trying to turn her against the Militia? Jacob smirked as he was taunting her more with poisonous words.

Cecelia realised how selfish and greedy she had been, she'd put the Militia in danger and she'd put her sister in danger. What she had done alone was selfish and inconsiderate. What was worse, she understood the consequences of foolishly getting her sister back and took the risk anyways.

Cecelia was stuck. And she was a fool.

Her eyes were about to water streams from the taunting and intimidating man. He made her agitated with every passing second; he made her want to curl up in a ball and cry herself to sleep; he made her back feel like it had snapped vigorously.

Conditioned To Kill - Far Cry 5Where stories live. Discover now