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Book 6- At the end of the book, when given the antidote to soporidine, Alavar wakes up with no memory of the fact that he was a member of the Neverseen and that he helped kidnap Sophie, and the book ends with Alvar saying "Who's Alvar?"

Sophie's pov

The Vackers' were devastated... just to put plainly

After hearing what her oldest son said, Della almost fainted but at the last second Alden caught here. He was wearing a perplexed face and looked towards Alvar thoughtfully

Behind them Biana was crying feeling sad, happy, and mad at the same time and Fitz....

Well his knuckles grew white as he cleched them tighter... by every second as his face twisted into an expression of visible rage. It made me so sad seeing his usual loving teal eyes turn into ones of hatred and despair. He suddenly mumbled something unaudiable to the group and took off dashing out of the room as his parents took their minds off of Alavar for a second to watch their youngest son dash away. They didnt tell him to come back. They knew he needed time . heart broke a little as this ussualy highly respected family crumple with just  a matter of seconds.  It made her fell worse then she already felt.

This was supposed to be her most important stop the neverseens plots...but... in the end... the neverseen were still a step ahead of them. Without Alavar's memory from his betrayal...they were back at square one.  Ack to searching and searching with no new answers. Yet... there was a chance...they had to try at least...

"Excuse me" I say as I walk out of the room and teleport to my cognat's favorite place to go...


Im sorry i took so long with this first chapter. Ill try to update more during the summer

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