"Your Highness," Queen Pevana said, her brown curls bobbing as she spoke. "It is such a joy to us, seeing you back in your home, and looking so happy and well."

Her husband, Kavras, nodded beside her, his matching brown beard twitching as Tarin could have sworn he sniffled. So warm, and so sensitive. Perhaps that sensitivity was why the Fae had broken off their alliance with the Eternal Ones in the past; they seemed weak on the surface. However, now that Tarin had fought alongside Eternals more than once, he knew they were made of tougher stuff than the Fae had given them credit for. The Fae, in fact, hardly ever gave any credit to anybody but themselves. It was a problem the council in particular fell victim to, and one that Tarin was now more than ever eager to begin solving.

Serena surprised all of them then by getting out of her throne and taking the few steps necessary to wrap her arms around Pevana. The Eternal queen's guards stepped forward, but Kavras waved them back urgently, his gaze flickering towards Triana as he did so. However, the Fae queen just seemed amused as she watched, her elbow resting on the arm of her throne and a finger tracing over her pale lips.

Then Serena pulled away, and her smile was contagious all around; even the Eternal guards were sharing in her bliss.

"I want to thank you. Both of you," the princess announced, and everyone within hearing proximity turned to listen to her speak, perhaps as entranced by the sound of her captivating voice as Tarin was. "For helping the Realm when they needed you. For putting forth so much effort in the search for me, for pursuing it throughout so many years. And, of course, for providing the means that ultimately brought me home.

"On behalf of my mother and I, I want to present your family with pendants forged by our very best royal craftsmen," she continued, and Tarin stiffened slightly, alert as a man stepped forward to drop the jewelry into Serena's open hand. "Four of them; one for each of you, and one for each of your children, as an everlasting sign of our gratitude. As long as you wear them, they will shield you from most magical attacks. We hope for both your reign and your friendship with us to remain long and prosperous."

Serena then distributed the pendants to the Eternal royal family one by one. Pevana stepped forward first, giving Serena a deep curtsy and what seemed like a heartfelt thank you for the gift, though Serena waved it away as she carefully clasped the necklace around the queen's neck. The Eternal guards looked uneasy, but Serena's innocent expression probably set them more at ease than Tarin's glares.

Kavras went next, and kissed Serena's hand before backing away with a bow. Pevana then ushered forward their daughter, Auriana. Serena bent her legs, lowering herself down to speak with the girl quietly. It did not take long for the Fae princess to get the other nervous princess giggling, though Auriana still flinched when Serena reached forward to put the necklace around her neck. However, Serena did not seem dispirited by her reaction; instead, she just said something else, too low for Tarin to hear, and handed the necklace to Auriana for the girl to put on at her own leisure. The eleven-year-old smiled shyly and backed up until she was beside her mother once more, who put a hand on her shoulder.

Wayke was a well-mannered little prince, and not nearly as shy as his sister. He stepped forward before Serena even ushered him and bent his body nearly in half with his bow. Serena laughed softly, causing the members of the court and the guests surrounding the scene to laugh with her, and the nine-year-old blushed.

"Oh, Prince Wayke, we're not laughing at you," Serena insisted, putting her hands on her knees, once again lowering herself to the child's level. "I just cannot believe what a little gentleman you are. You must pay good attention in your royal lessons, huh?"

Wayke smiled and nodded proudly; such a childish gesture that it even got Tarin smiling - but only because it reminded him so much of a certain little princess who was convinced she was the ruler of the world even at just seven years old, though never let it affect the way she treated others.

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